dpClothing+ (1.0.3) Clothing Variations and Toggles (Gloves, Vest, Top, Hair, Bag and more)

Hello, when I buy a mask and log out of the server and log in and press put on a mask, it says that I don’t have it. How can I fix it?

@BobkataBG i have same
i use esx_newaccessories
can anybody help me to fix it?


Hi, I have corrected it by starting this script below all the scripts related to clothing


Thanks so much! I’ll have to try this. Hopefully it was that simple of a solution.

You will tell me if it works for you

Hi I need help.

Can someone help me with this issue? I have added custom clothing pack and when I try to set my clothes away. It puts clothes instead of removing it

Hello guys. I have this issue. Can you help me? https://youtu.be/0kK8c_mGGn4

there is a bug in wearing a mask or helmet when you buy and you are suddenly disconnected saying it is already wearing a mask or helmet

Yeah, if you put the dpclothing on the top of the server cfg, its working, but the clothes bugging.

how to fix it? sir… mask, helmet, glasses, ear after you disconnect and connect again saying already used…

Depends on what kind of framework you use / how you save clothing etc.
Theres no one solution to it, and this resource is framework agnostic, if you are using ESX for example you can try to make/contact someone whos got something worked out for ESX. But as i dont develop for ESX theres nothing i can do.

Hi i need this for my radial menu


    AddEventHandler("esx_billing:openBillings", function()



And i dont know what to put inside in your client.lua can you help me with this ?
(for the salty people in other menus i didnt had a problem with this i just need here help :slight_smile: )

edit: And i know that this script is not billing ist just from my exeampel :slight_smile:

First of all amazing release. Last weekend we released a big update to our server, including this resource and everyone is loving it. So am I. Thank you for this.

Today I spent 90 minutes, figuring out to get this resource working with esx_accessories and right now I am doing a happy dance. It is not perfect, but we can now put glasses and hats back on when they fall of. It also works with the mask when relogging.

Hope you don’t mind me putting a fix right here for the other people using esx_accessories?

Add to Functions.lua


The following goes on top of the file.

ESX = nil TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

The following has to be added somewhere in the file.

function SetUnsetAccessory(accessory)
	ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_accessories:get', function(hasAccessory, accessorySkin)
		local _accessory = string.lower(accessory)

		if hasAccessory then
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(skin)
				local mAccessory = -1
				local mColor = 0

				if _accessory == "mask" then
					mAccessory = 0

				if skin[_accessory .. '_1'] == mAccessory then
					mAccessory = accessorySkin[_accessory .. '_1']
					mColor = accessorySkin[_accessory .. '_2']

				local accessorySkin = {}
				accessorySkin[_accessory .. '_1'] = mAccessory
				accessorySkin[_accessory .. '_2'] = mColor
				TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, accessorySkin)
			TriggerEvent("kiri_notifications:SendNotification", {text = "Je hebt dit accessoire niet gekocht.", type = "error", timeout = 5000, layout = "bottomcenter"})

	end, accessory)

Change function for each accessory hat/glasses/mask in Config.lua

Func = function() ToggleProps("Glasses") end,

Func = function() SetUnsetAccessory("Glasses") end,

This will look as follow:

Hope this helps the fellow ESX users.


i have a problem, when i take off my all my clothes then wearing it again, it will wearing different clothes. how to fix it?

Same here, did u fix yet?

Have you found a fix?

Hello, nice release, seriously :slight_smile:
I’m working with rgz menu and i was able to put this in the menu, now i need to disable it when pressing Y, is there a way to do it ? I was looking the code and commented the las part of the GUI.lua, but that doesn’t worked, instead, now it does not open from the menu, i can fix this by uncomment that part, but my question is, what i need to comment or what i need to do so i can only open the gui from the menu ?
Thank you for your nice work !

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Figured it out, nevermind :smiley:

What can I do if I have individual players who can open the menu but cannot select anything?

Look for the keybind from FiveM for shooting