Don't create a Tebex Store

Hello guys,

If you want, but you must know you will lose money.
So per transaction (with paypal) they apply of 2.49%+$0.30. BUT that’s not all !!!
Tebex don’t say this. You will discover it when someone pays something on your store.

Approximately, they take 18% from the price.
So let’s imagine you put something for 30€ you will only get 24€. And when you will want to withdraw, you will AGAIN lose 2% of fee.

Also, you need to pay for themes. You need to pay a “VIP”, to get access to HTML/CSS edition. You pay for EVERYTHING on this.

I am sorry to say this, but for me it’s a bit of a scam. A lot of things on Tebex are buggy…
Just wanted to inform you who wanted to create a store, beware



We all know that (once you’ve got a sell) but dont have the choice, if we want to sell stuff we’ve done the TOS said you must create a tebex store. If someone can redirect me on the pages were tebex said 18% of fees


No scam, it’s the price of VAT & other fees involved with internet transactions.

Then bring those issues up to Tebex…

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They don’t tell you about 18% :smiley:

The VAT is the customer who pays it NOT the seller !!!

It’s 15% to my knowledge…

Also says on this page… 15% to support FiveM…

By the way i can’t access the link “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.” And wow we almost don’t see it. Soo 15% + like 2% for website what in total gives us 17,xx%. Like it’s too much

Oh weird, let me see why. To be clear, that quote is from that topic from the lead developer of FiveM.

There are numerous individuals who have had no issues with the 15%, to be honest, if you create a resource that is worth selling, price it accordingly so it sells, you’re going to be just fine.

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Just like this… Tebex could put more in evidence for the 15% fivem supporting?

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How could they? It says it… right there… on the site Tebex site I linked…

No monthly subscription
+ 15% of your earnings to support FiveM
Unlimited Packages
Worldwide Payment Processing
Fraud & Chargeback Protection
Hassle Free Integration
Support Multiple Game Servers
Detailed Statistics
Beautiful Webstores
Monetize Your Discord Server

if we look at it, for the first time you don’t really see it well, but ok. Thanks for all your replies Hallux, now i understand it better. But it stills for me 15% is too high.

Have a nice day :wave:

Well it is important when engaging in any type of business transaction or transaction of money, that you read, everything, including any fine print that you’re agreeing to.

Have a good holiday :slight_smile:


Nice rant bro


18% is not alot!!
look at the other platforms like steam or apple or google store!
if your script is worth the price and its useful people will buy it! by releasing it in the forum hundreds of people will see your post and they may buy it! and because of this fact that all of your customers are buying your script because its on cfx forum, i don’t think 15% to support cfx is not alot!


Can’t wait for you guys to experience your local governments income tax on the top of this lol


You also pay VAT and taxes!! That’s clearly fraud!! quit this website as soon as possible!!!


Lol 18% is jack shit. I would pay even more to have my transactions automated like tebex does. GRANTED there is alot to be desired for in tebex and the platform is not a perfect place, but you will make better than “make do”. Afterall it will sort out all ur taxes and payments to fivem by default. You also need to notice that the amount of money you “lose” per user transaction is alot more than 18%. It is VAT + transactionfee + 15% to FiveM. What comes to buggynes of the platform, they have made quick job fixing the bugs what I have reported.

IE. for me if user pays for 50€ worth (including tax) what is left for me is around 34€ after the expenses.


I just received a first sell on Tebex:

Price of product for client - 36.30 USD
Price without VAT - 30.00 USD
Final value in Tebex Wallet - 23.25 USD
Withrawn money (not yet) - ?

Seems, there are some additional fees beside 15%, because 23.25 USD is a 77.5% from price without VAT and 64% from price with VAT.

On Tebex page it says:

There is a platform fee of 5% per transaction, and a gateway fee depending on the payment method used - which for PayPal & Credit Cards is an industry low of 2.49%. Listed below is some useful information about other fees that may be charged during the use of Checkout.

So fees are following:

15% - for FiveM
5% - for Tebex
2.49% - for PayPal

Total fee 22.49%

Also Tebex says (for EU):

We collect and pay all sales tax on your behalf to the relevant tax authorities.

Any payouts you request are paid to you as royalties, so you do not need to pay VAT again on any money you receive from Tebex

As summary, I think ~25% it is a fair price if we taking into accout that:

  • You don’t need to pay any taxes in your country (EU);
  • You don’t need to host any webpage and Tebex Store is quite good with all their statistics and automates things
  • You support FiveM multiplayer (in this case I think it will be fair to give script authors free patreon pledge, at least this one for Streaming Clothes)

That seems incorrect and wrong, the Tebex platform fee should be included in said ‘15% fee’. Maybe there’s some other processing fee they’re including here?


This is the only information I found which explains 30 USD converted to 23.25 USD.