Does anyone know what menu this is?

Hi There Everyone, I’ve been watching a couples video’s of people’s FiveM, which includes ItzDonGames’s videos. He features the above menu in many videos, and it looks extremely useful. I’ve searched far and wide for it. If anyone knows what it is, or can help me identify it? I’d love it!

Thank you. (If you’re going to leave negative comments please don’t bother.)


Well, it looks like the NativeUI from frazzle…

Have a nice day and I hope I could help you by that! :hamburger: :mascot:


Hey! Thanks for the help. I thought it was, until I installed it and it wasn’t. I’ve heard from people that the menu used in his video is private, and apparently I have to find the guy who makes it.

Nope, you can’t find it, it is a private menu, which is only allowed for some servers. The main coder doesn’t release, it for reasons. (Won’t name them.) I have the menu itself, it works fine, and all of that, but that is all I can say.

Thanks, but I’ve already gotten ahold of the menu.

How did you get it? Did you need to pay?

can you please tell me it because I have been searchin and searchin for it and my friend who has it won’t give it or sell it to me

can you please tell me it because I have been searchin and searchin for it and my friend who has it won’t give it or sell it to me

Did u ever find it alex

Its a private menu that you can only get through paying people or being a close friend with someone