March 4, 2020, 2:04pm
Are there any packs released yet to get the new openwheel cars and other dlc content into my server? Or is there a simple way to add it myself?
Any help would be appreciated.
Nowadays you can get DLC content in your server by enforcing the right game build. This can be done using the server command sv_enforceGameBuild [build]
More information about the command can be found here in the docs .
You can also check out this nice tutorial:
Previously, there were a ton of resources you could download on the forums to stream newer DLC content into your FiveM servers, however this falls under piracy and leads to more issues than needed.
I personally don’t understand why FiveM bothers to support soo many gamebuilds as it would be a lot easier to just have us all on the latest stable gamebuild and server artifacts; the only reasoning I’ve seen is that each gamebuild has a YMT limit for clothing and some people face issues when their i…
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search function is your friend and if you actually use it you would have found a resource here with all the new open wheel cars and extra stuff.
March 4, 2020, 7:53pm
Sorry, why would I make this post if I could find it? I can’t find it so it would be really nice of you if you could link it for me
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Here is a pack of all the vehicles from the latest GTA:V Xmas Update. It also includes sounds, animations (See Note) and configs for them.
The following release is strongly recommended, this adds vehicles from the original Casino DLC. This may fix some bugs people are having with sounds and crashes if vehicles share certain configurations.
You may have to find correct mod kits id yourself if you have a lot of custom cars.
Note: Som…
literally took me 10 secs to find search is your friend.
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what server build does this need to be on ?