DiscordChatRoles [Release]

sendBlockMessages = true; -- This will enable sending block messages

change it to false.

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Is that only me that this chat using steam names and not Name and Last name in-game?
How can i change it?

Also having this issue. Only other chat I have is the default fivem chat. Ever find a fix?

Hi, so it works fine and all but when you say something it has this box around the chat, is there a way to take that off and make it work with ooc?

sendBlockMessages = true; -- This will enable sending block messages

Yes, sorry i did that but it still shows twice?image

You have another chat resource interfering with it.

I get duplicated text in it, i would love to get the first version but i can’t seem to download the first version. Its sends like you dont have a chat role script. Like the default thing.

If you have duplicated chat, it is because you have another script interfering. This script works fine on numerous servers. You need to find what script it is, I can’t do that for you lol

Its not duplicated, its the default chat thing as well as the script. Im asking if you know how to disable the default role. It looks the same as the /say command

This script cancels chat message event, so the default chat thing is not affecting this. You have another script interfering like I said.

How do I fix this?

Fix what?

I am trying to set up the script and when i join it only gives me the first role in the role list and will not let me use the chattag because it says i have to message in chat first. How do i fix this?

I realized a flaw when looking back at the source code of this resource

It is very easy to fake chat messages as a Modder even whilst using this resource… This causes people to get banned for something a Modder is actually saying in chat, but poising as that player who got banned. Now, I could patch this flaw or use it to our advantage. So clearly I am going to choose the latter of the two cause fuck modders.

Utilizing my Anticheat, you can catch modders who try to abuse chat messages by spoofing their player names. You can find the anticheat linked below :slight_smile:

Hey Is there a Fix For this?

i Circled the Line its Saying the Error On
Oh and When Some One Joins This Happens

Put commas after each of those in Roles. Also, you don’t need to set up that part of the config for my scripts at all… Watch the tutorial videos to learn.

Does the Bot have to be online?

No, it does not.

hmmm everything is working but the roles arnt changing in game