📸 Discord Screenshot Script

The FiveM In-Game Discord Screenshot Script offers an innovative way to effortlessly share in-game moments within FiveM on Discord. This powerful script is designed to empower players to capture high-quality screenshots, not only showcasing the visual aspects of the game but also reflecting individual graphics settings and details.

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Key Features:

  1. Effortless Capture System: With a simple in-game chat command, the screen freezes, and a high-quality screenshot is automatically generated.
  2. Automatic Discord Integration: Screenshots are automatically uploaded to Discord and presented as embedded messages, facilitating seamless sharing on Discord servers.
  3. Comprehensive Graphics Settings: Each captured screenshot includes detailed information about the player’s individual graphics settings, including resolution, graphics quality, textures, and other visual adjustments.
  4. Easy Configuration: The script is user-friendly and straightforward to install, requiring no complicated setups or processes.


  • Player Interaction: Enhances interaction and sharing of gaming experiences on Discord, strengthening community bonds and fostering discussions within the server’s gaming community.
  • Ease of Use: The memorable in-game command allows for quick and straightforward screenshot capture and sharing on Discord.
    Screenshot 2023-10-29 193822
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 90
Requirements Screenshot-basic
Support Yes

Maybe you are Also interested in other Scripts made by me :slight_smile:


WTH Really ?


Its not the same Buddy :slight_smile:
(its similar + the Code is different + mine looks better and is better)

1 Like

Yes yours looks better. but bouthe are the same

and more then 1-2€ is to much

you can pay as much as you want :slight_smile:
see on Tebex bro

The Config is more easy to use in my Script i dont even know if the other Script has one. The Script is completly different as i watched the Video. My script is for the whole Server you can do a Screenshot of your Fivem not from other Players. The internals of the Script and the Purposes are different.

Don’t sell scripts that can be found for free and open source, and that can be modified by any fivem dev to only screenshot the players screen. Thanks
