DHS-Forcefield (Push Away Your Enemies)

Download Here: GitHub - Dragon-Heart-Studios/DHS-Forcefield


  • Just a fun script that will push away peds and vehicles


Also By Us

DHS-Mining - [PAID][QBCore] DHS-Mining
DHS-Winery - DHS-Winery (QBCore)
DHS–Boosting - DHS-Boosting (QBCore)
DHS-ATMRobbery - DHS-ATMRobbery (QBCore)
DHS-Hunting -DHS-Hunting (QBCore) (RDR2 Like)
DHS-Lumberjack - DHS-Lumberjack (Level Based Progression) (QBCore)
DHS-HouseRobbery - DHS-HouseRobbery (Illegal Level Based Progression) (QBCore)
DHS-PettyCrimes - DHS-PettyCrime (Three Simple Ways To Make Some Simple Money) (QBCore)
DHS-TacoJob - DHS-TacoJob (With Images and Consumeability)

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awesome script! great release!

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that looks more fun than the ramp car :rofl:

thanks for the resource

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trust me it is :rofl:

thank you!

Would be cool to see an alternative of this where you can make a polyzone (zone/sphere etc) and if a player tries to enter (or exit!?) it throws them back like some sort of forcefield around an area.

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Yea that wouldn’t even be difficult to make just use some of the same code used in here for it and it’s pretty easy

hahah thats a fun idea, walk up to the cigarette vending machine and ‘zoom’ you’re gone :rofl: