[dev utils]vImageCreator rewrite (base64)

Continuing the discussion from [UTILS] vImageCreator - Vehicle Image Creator:

This is a rewrite version vImageCreator of renzu
Which is save as base64 thumbnails.json.
Only Support generate under 1024x768 resolution.(otherwise you will get the error message: Reliable network event size overflow)
It is for developer/local only because images from ‘thumbnails.json’ will begin rebuild when you start/restart this script.

Github: GitHub - negbook/vImageCreator: Vehicle Image Creator - FIVEM base64 rewrite

To Use

  1. Set your vehiclelist in generatelist.lua
  2. Start/Restart the script(before it , make sure turn your resolution to under 1024x768), type /startgen
  3. Open thumbnails.json in your texteditor / Copy to your other scripts directly.

To Load in Client

In example resource: ‘someResource’
Put these in fxmanifest.lua

files {
local cars = json.decode(LoadResourceFile('someResource', 'somewhere/thumbnails.json') or '[]') or {}
for name, base64 in pairs(cars) do 

To texture

Create .ytd and move those jpeg into there

exports to startgen quickly from other resources


Some results preview:


neato :+1:

1 Like

thx a lot

works with qbcore ?