[Dev-Resource] Mythic Progress Bar

From the amount of messages, I believe that’d be an extremely hard no >_>

Can i use this for LegacyFuel ? So it will progress the bar with the % it still has to go ?

Grest resource man, appreciate it, but do you have any idea what that doesn’t work? When the action fishes I don’t get any pNotify notification and my HP is unchanged. Animation is still playing as well.

AddEventHandler('esx_extraitems:firstaidkit', function()
	local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	local health = GetEntityHealth(playerPed)
	local max = GetEntityMaxHealth(playerPed)
	TriggerEvent("mythic_progbar:client:progress", {
		name = "medicbag",
		duration = 10000,
		label = "Leczysz swoje rany",
		useWhileDead = false,
		canCancel = true,
		controlDisables = {
				disableMovement = true,
				disableCarMovement = true,
				disableMouse = false,
				disableCombat = true,
		animation = {
				animDict = "missheistdockssetup1clipboard@idle_a",
				anim = "idle_a",
		prop = {
				model = "prop_ld_health_pack",
	}, function(status)
		if not status then
			SetEntityHealth(playerPed, max)
			TriggerEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", {
				layout = "bottomRight",
				text = "Poczułeś się dużo lepiej",
				type = "info",
				theme = "gta",
				sounds = {
					sources = {"notification.wav"}, -- For sounds to work, you place your sound in the html folder and then add it to the files array in the __resource.lua file.
					volume = 0.2,
					conditions = {"docVisible"} -- This means it will play the sound when the notification becomes visible.

Did you change the name of the resource?


Rename it to mythic_progbar, or go into the app.js and change the NUI callback to progressbar and it’ll fix it.

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Can you send me that animation of lockpicking and hot-wiring please ?

Why the action loop forever and stuck. i cant stop the animation

Do above

Thank you kind sir. It works like a charm now :slight_smile:

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what i need to rename? the name of the script? or the triggerevent?

Easiest is to rename the resource folder, but if you want it something other than mythic_progbar you need to go into the script.js file and change the POST addresses to whatever you name the resource.

If you don’t know what I mean, just rename the folder to mythic_progbar lol

animDict = "anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@",
anim = "machinic_loop_mechandplayer",
flags = 49,
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Hello, what resource are you using to lock pick and using a medic system?

Medic kit you can do it by yourself. it just a simple SetEntityHealth(playerPed, max)

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Ones that I created

but the animation so cool <3

you can get it from here

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Not anytime soon.

Nothing that’s being done is overly complex. Basic FiveM scripting knowledge and you can get the very same results fairly easily

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i try to add process bar with animation to this but it not work

AddEventHandler('esx_drugs:processCannabis', function()
	if not playersProcessingCannabis[source] then
		local _source = source

		playersProcessingCannabis[_source] = ESX.SetTimeout(Config.Delays.WeedProcessing, function()
			local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
			local xCannabis, xMarijuana = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('cannabis'), xPlayer.getInventoryItem('marijuana')

			if xMarijuana.limit ~= -1 and (xMarijuana.count + 1) >= xMarijuana.limit then
				TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('weed_processingfull'))
			elseif xCannabis.count < 3 then
				TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('weed_processingenough'))
				***PROCESS BAR***

				TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', _source, _U('weed_processed'))

			playersProcessingCannabis[_source] = nil
		print(('esx_drugs: %s attempted to exploit weed processing!'):format(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1]))

No animaiton no processbar and no give item