I have followed a couple of different tutorials on creating AWC and using those in scripts, such as Playing custom sounds through .awc container and [How-to] Make a SimpleSound using native audio
But even the example scripts that were included with those tutorials are not producing audio. The debug says they are playing but no audio plays. Is this something that has been broken along the way or has something changed?
If the example resource doesn’t work make sure you don’t already have 10 audio banks loaded as that is the limit.
I have never tried this before so mine and yours are the only ones in there that I am aware of and this is a dev server with mostly just my stuff on it so I don’t think there are other resources with it in there. I am baffled. The debug prints like it should be playing but there’s no sound.
Give me the mp3 that you want to stream and I’ll convert it for you.
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