💼 Core Multiple Jobs - Job center, Multi Job, Optimized, Amazing UI

Would it be possible to only purchase the jobcenter and nothing else?

No sorry it works only with multijob i maybe will make only job center version

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I have a lot of shops and they don’t seeem to fit all on the page.this is only 12/18 jobs showing

any fix?

Get the update in support.

can u fix resolution pls?

how do i change menu opener from F6 to F9

how do i change the f6 to another key?

quick question (im new to fivem deving, but when I select my LSPD on the core_jobutilities scipt it does not show that I work for LSPD. do you know how i can fix it so it selects LSPD in the actually game and just UI?

please i need some help

Is core a framework if so how do i install it

No this uses esx framework


Multijob and Jobutils were working perfectly fine a few days but all of a sudden/jobs isn’t working unless I don’t have any jobs and I can’t access boss menus

The system breaks if a job that does not exist is added to database. Solution is to find the job that does not exist or erase the user_jobs all together. Conatct in tickets i will give u merged version if u have both scripts. It works way better because u can manage people who are offduty

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Whats the image names to the job center

Check font awsome

Were you able to change the key?

When I go to the job centre as a police job, I can go off duty but the police job is missing from my jobs list?

I need that answer also lol, let me know if you get it :smiley:

Contact on support d c

Or you could reply here then others will benefit from the answers if we find it.

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Sorry due to leaking i dont provide support in forum where i dont see if a person has purschased the script :slight_smile: