??? Its paid
Yea, this is by default
Anyway to fix this? The map is overflowing beyond the border radius
Make normal aspect ratio
How do i make it so the map is only in a car?
Im using the option in config but the map still shows but without the line around it
You have another script that messed with the radar
I dont though
I use esx_status. The hunger and thirst pills print 0 and the result is nil. I dont know how to get the hunger and thirst correctly
while true do
if started then
if IsPauseMenuActive() or menu_celular then
displayValue = false
displayValue = true
search for this in client file. the tekst would say enough.
hi did u fix please
did u find a fix please
Hi im having problem with the map… The notification are overlapping… anyway to reduce the size of the map please???
Use another notification system. Like mythic. If u use esx in es_extended/client/functions change ESX.ShowNotification to mythic
Im not sure how to do that… here are my lines :
ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)
DrawNotification(false, true)
What should i change … I cant find mythic nofity on internet tho…
Anyway to just reduce size of the script ? Thanks for help!
can add new icon for vape script ?
Every time I install this hud it keeps showing the map as a massive rectanglee outside of the circle. Ive tried clearing cache, uninstalling any other huds, restarting basic needs and satus. Legit ive tried so much but if you look at the image linked below you can see what I mean. And then when i try un do it, it just fully breaks my mini map and it goes blank. Any help appreciated!
Are you using vMenu?
There is another script that conflicts with this one thats why its happening