[Release] Notifications using original GTA 5 look


Notifications with original GTA V look, but more flexible.



  • Download the resource ;
  • Drag and drop it in your resources folder ;
  • Add start notif into you server.cfg.

How to use

  • Use the export below :
	text = "Test text.",
	type = 'topRight',
	timeout = 6000,


  • type define where the notification will be draw ;
  • timeout define how much time (in ms) the notification is on screen ;
  • You can create your own notification “type” by following the pattern in the code.


No updates yet.


  • The code is a bit messy, I’ll fix that later maybe ;
  • It doesn’t deal with duplicate notifications (not as default notifications do) ;
  • The centerLeft and centerRight options have some issues ;
  • Notifications with different timeout may create issues.

Looks cool! Nice release!

I like it!

I’m glad you enjoy it. I’ll try to optimize it as it consume far more performance than original ones.

Very nice release but I have a question. Can I use SetTextFont with it ?

You can but the notification may become a little bit messy. Plus you will have to add it into my resource as you will not be able to use it the way you used to (with default notification system).

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I have used your script for 1 week and it worked perfectly. I hope you will add ShowAdvancedNotification

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Trying to get this working om my server,

How can i get this working with ESX;

how to change this;


to this script.

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I guess doing that should work, I’m note really into ESX so I have no clue of what you want to do precisely.

	text = _U('wash_successful'),
	type = 'topRight',
	timeout = 6000,

Very nice little plugin @Elio, thanks for your work !

To replace ESX’s notifications, edit es_extended/client/functions.lua

Search for:

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)
  DrawNotification(false, true)

Change it with that code (customize the type and timeout if needed):

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)
    text = msg,
    type = 'bottomLeft',
    timeout = 6000

Then fix notif/__resource.lua (export in singular, GitHub PR about that bug: https://github.com/Sheamle/notif/pull/1/files)

Restart your server and enjoy !
Ping @TilburgRP


I just tested what you sended, every ESX plugin gives a error and nothing does it anymore…

EDIT: Fergot a end :man_facepalming:

Hey, nice release. Is there any way to change the look it looks on my server? image

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got the exact same issue all the notifications are white now… any way to solve this ?!

I found a way to get a better color of the text… in your locales or anywhere:
['gave_weapon'] = '~b~you gave ~y~1x~s~ ~b~%s~s~ to ~y~%s~s~.', etc.

More colors on this git site

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but that is only supposed to change the text color not the background right ?! i think the main problem after using this script is that it changes the background color of the notifications not sure why cuz i cant find why is it doing that

@ScrappyCap @hOff I updated the resource to fix this issue.


yeah can confirm its fixed now ! ty for the fix <3

Hi! This release is great. I got a question though. My bank notification is in my HUD and I also want it above the map. But I can’t get it to work. I believe its in es_extended/server/paycheck.lua … can anybody help me out? Its quite frustrating …

Fixed it by just keeping the map always on

Not working … i just want to change the location of salary notification ??
i run your script but it doesn’t work ;(

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