💀 Core Gangs - Advanced Territory Wars (Bounties, Ranks, NPCs, Leaderboards)










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ESX Version will be comming soon!

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whats the resmon on this?

Also, for opening the gang menu - can that be done via a usable item?

The resmon is 0.00ms for most of the time.

You can register a usable item that triggers the open function

The video was better than the Money Heist series LMAO :rofl: :joy:

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I feel a lot was left out and could of been way more incredibly, like making drug blocks were drugs sell for more on certain blacks. Or Making a system for verified gangs, like placing stashing down, society fund and Wardrobe. Adding the ability to beef over drug labs (who ever owns the Territory owns the drug lab and have the ability to contest it) Someone kind of graffiti to actually claim area/ crews being able to go to war with each other other then just shooting locals

The value zones can produce anything drugs etc there are even npc so it looks that they are working. You can configure items rate everything.

There are housing zones where gang can keep items and yeah with updates will be able to customize the place more.

And every zones benefits belong to gang that contested it and won

So basically everything exists that you listed except graffiti which we might add in an update too.

So basically afk collects drugs in zones? If a gang owns it?

Yeah, the event runs on server side. Also can process from item to another item and sell for criminal currency

Waiting already for sale to get this!! yes!

me too

Can you make pre-made gangs only and turn off the feature to allow players to make their own?

Yeah you can turn off that feature

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do we know when it will arrive on ESX ? is there an ETA

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There is no eta we are fixing some bugs on qb version and once we find every bug we will convert

Very good but need more options:

  1. change logo
  2. change design (with color map) and custom descriptions for locations, like:
  3. the ability to specify the current and maximum radius for the house and locations

for example, I want the house to be able to capture
but the system builds 3 rows of protection around it, in the end it takes up a lot of space and houses / captures overlap each other

in fact, these 3 rows are not needed
enough to make 1 layer of protection
but, for example, there are 8 cells around the house, to attack the house, you need to capture 4 cells
this will make the zones more compact allowing you to put more of them on the map

This is the best script promo I have ever seen :joy::joy::joy: definitely got me sold


Will definitely make the logo change in UI and descriptions.

For protection zones, you can define the default protection zones and maximum if you need that. I like that you need to make a path to capture the zone and not only the zones around it (makes it feel like a real war). And there is no real reason to make zones more compact since the map is huge

Will definitely consider changing the radiuses of main zones.

But rest of the things you say it seems you just want a script like the one in the picture which is not what we are doing we are creating our own unique systems.


This looks so sick! Waiting for ESX version along with many others id imagine :smiley: