– the same way you installed it like 2 years ago.
@Nick78111 or @zee
Ok I noticed and I managed but now give me this I do not know where to disable someone could tell the path where it was disabled had a hardcap start already disabled but still give the same error
That isn’t an error.
How can I make a player come out and join the game again, giving him a second to come back?
You mean, he left, rejoined and is in the back of the queue?
I mean that if the player closes the game or disconnects, I need to save the position and re-enter without going through the queue for a few minutes.
It’s all in the config. There is a grace period config option. There is a queue timeout config option. There is an api so people can handle things like this and others stuff with the queue themselves, which I HIGHLY doubt anyone has even used yet. There are console commands prepended with queue
ex queue setpos 20 1
will set position 20 to 1.
I was suppose to make an example resource that uses the api but it’s just not finished and I procrastinate too much.
I have it set with grace time, but the player who disconnects returns to the queue but to the first position and has to wait to play again …
Can you answer me a question? I have connectqueue enabled, and it is set to 30 players on a 32 player server, however, even though the server gets 32 players and a “full server” message pops up and the queue goes off as well, how can I resolve this? problem?
Disable hardcap, this resource should do it automatically. I’ll have to take a look at it sometime.
I think I’ve disabled it, at least I removed it from server.cfg (or to disable it would it be otherwise?)
For OneSync at the maxplayer level I have to put 64 or 255?
10 days late but just set it to 64, the queue will adjust itself to whatever max players is set to in your config.
Don’t change the name of the resource. Set the folder name to connectqueue
I have a question a long time, what is the order of priority? 1 is greater than 100? or 100 has more priority than 1?
100 is higher priority than 1
For some reason, this is happening a lot for me and causing people to have "failed to connect after three tries"
does this queue system has priority queue?