ConnectQueue - A Server Queue System

Got it.
What does hardcap do?


It manages the max number of players allowed on the server at one time.

Got it.
Thanks for your answers and time bro.


this is very good, but when it reaches a high number of people in the queue (near 25) the server starts to get very lag because it seems that everyone is connected. Is there any way to fix it? or suddenly put a maximum limit of people in the queue

Need help I have error “ping timeout” How do I solve it?Base Vrp

I’m having this error in some people:

yaml-cpp: error at line 1, column 69: illegal EOF in scalar

I had the same problem a few weeks ago. I haven’t found any solution, I think someone told me the script is only working with a whitelisted server. Kind Regards

Why most of the players are getting “there was an error[2]” ? How to fix it or why does it come.

Yo @Nick78111 There is a problem with the Steam Requirement with vrp server…

When the player join into the server and go to the queue, the base information from the player is loaded from vrp server… in the server output the can see something like (i dont have the log right now because im in my work =P but is what happen) :

[Debug] Player Naruto connected
[Queue] Join in queue
[Debug] Loading basic info from player because the was cath on EventHandler “playerConnect” from probability ‘vrp/base.lua’
[Queue] Checking Steam
[Queue] Steam is not open

**At this point the player will open the steam and will connect to the server again and what gonna happen is:

[Queue] Join in queue
[Queue] Checking Steam
[Queue] Checking queue size and stuff
[Debug] load stuffs from server and etc…

**Where when the player drop on the GTA world your information will not be apply on hes character because nothing was loaded, you will keep with the default skin with 0 money and not where you loged out on the last time…

Why? Take a look on the “log” again… at the first try you had you information loaded with the “[Debug] Loading basic info from …” BUUUT when you was blocked to join into the server because steam is not open you was not “dropped” or “disconnected” from the server… and on the seconds try you even has “connected” again because your ip or id was already there in vrp server, because of that your character info is not loaded…

So what i done the manage this possible problem… when the playerConnect the queue script start on a entryPoint “local function playerConnect(name, setKickReason, deferrals)” and there i added a force drop

local function playerConnect(name, setKickReason, deferrals)
local src = source
**TriggerEvent('playerDropped', src)**
local ids = Queue:GetIds(src)
local name = GetPlayerName(src)

Doing this i always disconnect the player before join and the player is “never” connected to the server before join the queue, so always your base information will be loaded.

So the final question is, did you understand the problem, and there is a better way to fix this?

I can bring screen shot to show if you needed



Many people have asked me about this and it is more of an issue with vrp I think, not this resource. I’ll take a look at it and see what I can do tho. I have never touched vrp so I’m not sure what the best way to go about fixing it is. It may require people to slightly modify base vrp code which isn’t usually ideal. We’ll see though.

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help me?errorqueue

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What server version are you running?

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I’m new as I see the version

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vrp/version.lua is this?

version: 1498403827

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help me?!errorqueue

version: 1498403827

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No, that’s not the version. Run version in your server console.

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… just update your server

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you could say I’m new as you were new to this and had to learn

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