ConnectQueue - A Server Queue System

From the Github you didn’t look at:

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Thanks nice script

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Amazing script, any chance to implement reserved slot?


Everything is fine, the “whitelist” is perfect, but I do not get this message, it goes directly to the server, they could tell me what I’m doing wrong?

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Is there a way to add “Priority join” to this queue script! :slight_smile:

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not compatible with VRP2 does not go past vrp: Checking whitelisted…

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that’s what the priority is for. the higher the #, the closer to first they’ll join the server.

So someone with priority 75 will join before someone with priority 50.


I have been using the queue on my server for about 2 weeks. Everything has been working fine. Then out of no where it say this. Can anyone help me out here?

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Is this right?

["STEAM_0:0:147073819"] = 1, ["STEAM_0:1:28682533"] = 2, ["STEAM_1:0:203647955"] = 3, ["steam:11000010f3073ab"] = 4, ["steam:1100001359df06f"] = 5, ["steam:11000010e280b4a"] = 6, ["steam:1100001345e0f24"] = 7, ["steam:110000112ac4048"] = 8, ["steam:1100001185173f3"] = 9, ["steam:1100001089773c5"] = 10, ["steam:11000013332263b"] = 11, ["steam:11000010631c1b2"] = 12, ["steam:1100001343c6c20"] = 13, ["steam:110000109111c28"] = 14, ["steam:11000010da1734f"] = 15, ["steam:11000011a7fbe30"] = 16, ["steam:11000011972b805"] = 17, ["steam:1100001036b524b"] = 18, ["steam:11000011b1b5e88"] = 19, ["steam:110000107bf10a8"] = 20, ["steam:110000134a13a0b"] = 21, ["steam:110000111885636"] = 22 }

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He stated it’s a work in progress, there is no actual system sitting on that script, you might wanna use another one.

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[“STEAM_0:1:xxxxxxxx”] = 1,
[“steam:xxxxxxxxef”] = 25,
[“”] = 85

I don’t get this part, What if i want to place my account to 1/5 queue and my other friend is 2/5 which part of settings to do that?

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[“STEAM_0:1:xxxxxxxx”] = 1,
[“steam:xxxxxxxxef”] = 25,
[“”] = 85,
[“STEAM_0:1:xxxxxxxx”] = 2,
[“steam:xxxxxxxxef”] = 26,
[“”] = 86

this setup works for me. @tonibanks

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Thanks to you my friend, I already figured out.

100 is higher priority than 1

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thanks for the info too :slight_smile:

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Will you be making any updates to reflect the new way steam authentication works now?

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What ever happened with steam authentication shouldn’t affect this script in anyway.

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Does this work with vrp? Other queue script can generate errors if a user tries to join without having steam open

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It works without steam, although I’ve heard vrp likes to throw errors when other scripts use deferrals (practically every queue script), I’ve looked into it a lil but never had problems on a locally hosted vrp server. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Hi, could someone help me out a bit. I have set the priority queue but somehow people with priority queue set to 30 can overtake the guy with in the priority queue who has the priority set to 10.

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that’s because if you read the information provided by the author, you’d see that prio 30 is in fact higher than prio 10