Community Pulse - January 2024

I love RedM and FiveM, and I had hopes this acquisition would mean resources would become available that allowed for a more rapid pace of development and changes to come for the entire platform. Instead the pace hasn’t increased in any measurable way for us common plebs. It also seems Cfx is fully adopting Rockstar’s own policies when it comes to dealing with the community, just ignore complaints, concerns and comments until people get fed up and stop - just like with RDO. There are so many passionate people in this community, creating beautiful things that thousands enjoy. I wish some honest communication and responses to feedback was more forthcoming.


:two_hearts: :two_hearts: :two_hearts:

Cfx continues to ingore its community :rofl:

Cfx continues to make money by allowing stolen content to be sold. because they only block the posts. tebex keeps selling them making a profit out of stolen code.

Rcockstars sould be blamed for all this , you aquired the product you are now responsible for the problems too.

I told someone asking for community pulse, expecting anything from Cfx is dumb.
It’s like talking to a wall thy dont even interact with the community.

Useles announcements tbh.


its been known about so it took the entire network going down really guys? stop claiming the community’s work as your own. is this your R* overlords pushing this?

Thanks to everyone who was working on the new TxAdmin version. I just love it and it just feels overall like a new txadmin. The interface, the UIX and everything is just perfect. Working smoothly and easier to understand. Big thanks again to everyone being a part of it. Keep the great work up. Just lovely <3

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the hek

Where are any of the updates promised about banning servers breaking PLA? Still unfair servers are just willfully using IRL assets and even having popular YouTube channels with 200k views still breaking PLA.

So are we just gonna say fuck the PLA stuff at this point and its just something that was said to cya? Because its really starting to look like it at this point.

The constant lip service done is getting old with no real results tbh.


There needs to be a better foothold on the PLA, there are too many people getting away with it and I sacrificed my own community to make the change to be PLA compliant. Seeing communities get away with something I was forced to change is a real punch in the throat.


Is the C# Monov2 dead?
What happened to client packages?
Is FXDK Shovelware now?
Has the FiveM team been gutted? There’s allegations floating around certain elements were removed from the project when R* bought it.
Where did DBubs go? I know he was a bit of a wildcard, but he was one of the last somewhat-helpful elements when it came to runtime bugs and policy issues.
Who’s enforcing the real-life logos aspect? Where are the numbers on enforcement actions?
Why are certain forum users getting permissions revoked (myself included) when no enforcement actions have been taken against us?

There’s 100 questions like this I could ask, but at least in other community pulses there was, well, ACTUALLY a pulse you could feel.

Sorry, Tbarra, but a TXAdmin update that just changed the looks can’t fill the shoes this time.

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They have a ton of blacklisted words that hold posts until approved. I can speak of that from experience.

dbub is nta fyi; there’s more discussion on them in An open letter - #22 by Smallo

txAdmin v7 is the result of 6+ months of very hard work to allow txAdmin to be ready for the updates to come.
When I first released txAdmin back in 2019, it had a single HTML page and in total a few hundred lines of code. I always tried to balance my efforts between refactors and new features, but at some point it became very clear that to keep the txAdmin project running in the long run, a massive rewrite of the whole web stack was required. Four years, and hundreds of thousands of users later, it was finally time for me to do this move.

I’m sorry if this update does not contain many shiny new features, but “a change of look” doesn’t do justice to a massively improved layout, added compatibility to mobile screens and improved performance of the live console.

I just hope the next few updates show you that this was actually a very important step we had to take.


I really appreciate the update tabby. V7 looks absolutely amazing and im very exited for the future of txAdmin!

I assume he meant the txadmin update isn’t enough to justify the lack of anything else of substance in the pulse; but yes, reducing it to “changed the looks” is disrespectful to the great work you put in.


I apologize. It wasn’t fair of me to lay that on you like I did.

I took my frustrations with the elements and lack of even basic communication out on you and I shouldn’t have; especially having been there and done that myself, in regard to the rewrite.

It‘s still only an administrative utility tool. People want actual news about the mod, not some tool a subset of users use to manage servers. That‘s why they are rightfully disappointed that this is the headline news, no disrespect to anyone involved in making it happen though.

It‘s just, it‘s been quite a while since the acquisition and the only real „update“ we got was game build supports and a new ToS that doesn‘t seem to be enforced, causing everyone and their dog to hop on these pulse topics to complain about servers breaking „the rules“.

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Hopefully cfx will actually provide an official answer to a lot of the concerns mentioned here soon. There is also another topic labelled “an open letter” that I feel should get an official response to also, especially since people are voicing some real issues that require addressing.

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Unfortunately that thread is so far off the original topic I wouldn’t expect them to go anywhere near it at risk of causing further outrage.

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some kid is in my dm saying hes going to get my server deleted because it has the same name is this possible?

well, is the name trademarked or such?
if not, then probably not