I’m probably going to get some flack for this, but fuck it, I’m sick of the lies. Ever since technetium joined the team (it’s been a few years) he has slowly been taking control of everything. He was the one to communicate with Rockstar and start talks of the acquisition. He slowly manipulated and bullied nta into selling Cfx even though nta had hesitations about doing so. This was a hostile takeover from the beginning.
This is not a good person to have total control of the project.
Sure nta has his quirks, but this project was his baby, he created it, he made it what it is today. Without him NOTHING would exist. Cfx was his life. Yes he shut things down from time to time, but it was usually for a good reason (the stuff going on behind the scenes that I mentioned above, pushing him into dark places). nta is the victim here, I cannot reinforce that point enough. I am seeing a friend of mine descend into a dark place caused by technetium and others on the Cfx “team”. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
Previously I mentioned I got muted because of me speaking out in the early days of the acquisition over my concerns with things. I have later learned (from a few people in the Cfx team) that a false narrative was sold about me by nimoa (one of the people on the team) based on some comments my edgy younger self made in 2017. All though I don’t disagree that the things I said back then weren’t the best things to say, but I am a totally different person today. He then relayed to their Rockstar rep that I am not a person to trust and that “we tried to reach out to Smallo with no success”, however NO ONE attempted to reach out to me. These people cannot be trusted. They lie and lie to get what they want and sell whatever narrative benefits themselves.
I am utterly disappointed in this community and the Cfx team and I don’t know else to say…
Make sure you screenshot this, as they will likely delete it and silence me again.