Colorful Weed Props!

Here is 5 different colored weed plants! THESE ARE CONVERTED to add on FROM GTA PROPS and ready to use any which way you want!

Each plant has 5 different stages! One Small - Two Medium sizes - Two Large sizes!

Orange - Tropical

Rainbow - Rainbow

Blue Tint - OG

Purple - Mac10

Pink - Candy

We are not responsible for the way you stream these! We are not responsible for any scripting you use to accompany these props. These work as addon props and have been tested along side a script that calls the prop and as an individual prop and are fully working.

Buy Here: []

Just $5 :slight_smile:

Check out my other stuff!
Vanilla Master List
Dorset Compound Ymap

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These props already exist in game, you simply retextured them and have the audacity to charge $12.

If you did in fact make these props yourself, could you please explain to us all why they look exactly the same?

In fact, it appears to be the following props;


i’ll charge what i want for the work and time i put in. Nobody has asked you to buy them. You are a salty and pathetic human being that needs to keep their nose out of things that don’t concern you. People are not forced to buy this, nobody is forced to buy anything. I will charge what i want and if some one thinks it’s worth it, then fantastic, if they want to put in the work and do it themselves, then also fantastic. Remove yourself from my post and stop causing issues that do not concern you. Focus on your own work


wow rgb plants

is my description better for you sir?

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as evidence would show, I have simply commented on your release page with two statements and a simple question. First statement being that the props already exist in game, second statement being that $12 is ridiculous, and the question being that If you did in fact make these props yourself, could you please explain to us all why they look exactly the same? If anyone is quote “salty and pathetic”, evidently, your reaction to being called out on your shady ‘business’ tactics, would show that in fact you yourself, are salty and pathetic which counteracts your statement towards me :thinking:

The only person causing an issue here is yourself, with your profitable and intellectual property rights infringement of which both Cfx and Tbex doesn’t need.

I’m sure you’re a talented guy who could release some extraordinary props, but this isn’t a good look.

Please try and get some help for your anger issues.

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zero anger towards you, i just dont understand who you are to comment on everyones releases like your cfx police. It also states and stated in the description before changed for your viewing that the props are converted to addon…but wait don’t you have releases that use literally everything to do with R *? in fact doesn’t everybody… i think you’re more mad that people charge for work and you don’t. You are literally going to peoples posts like they have directly affected your life and are begging you to buy their stuff, when nobody is…i also charge $10, the rest of teb.x buddy


I’ll come comment to back up tay. That’s an outrageous price and all that but to go off on someone who has poured days and days of coding, developing, and collaborating with amazing devs to bring and upkeep amazing resources is insane. Get your anger checked.


So, instead of being a grown up and flagging the post, you decide to act quote “salty and pathetic” instead. Such a disappointment…


i agree, he’s done great work, work i could probably never learn to do, no doubt. provided plenty for people in the community, but his current attitude and ego towards every bodies posts that he doesn’t like is borderline narcissistic. It’s okay to have an opinion, and it’s okay to inform people of other options, the first post i have no issue with, but when he’s already linked me complaining in a separate post that i didn’t respond to, he goes out of his way to make people feel some sort of way? for what? what reason does he have to dictate to people? he doesn’t.

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didnt read but i just see tay everywhere trashtalking, its he doing his thing again?

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I think the retextures are amazing and of course add more variety to weed jobs / scripts, it’s just the fact that there’s a price tag that makes it a little questionable, for lack of a better word.

As someone who’s retextured clothing, I know it takes time to do, especially when you’re trying to figure out what goes where with the damn UV nonsense, but I see this whole modding thing as a hobby, and see no issue with profiting from it, so long as the content is your own creation, of which this and all of Mavericks releases aren’t.

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Ah i didn’t see the other posts. From my perspective it just seemed like a valid concern and blown way out of proportion by you.

At the end of the day I think these look great, not knocking your work at all, I just think the price is a little high for it, but that’s just my opinion.

I could totally see being more reactionary when you feel like you’re being targeted

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Everybodies opinion is valid, especially when it comes to price. And thinking logically and reasonably, it will be adjusted. I appreciate everyone’s feedback!

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Price has now been adjusted!

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Perfect timing. Just got a new grow script and this is fire.


Appreciate you and I hope you enjoy them!

Had a laugh reading this, I was also like $12 lol, then I wanted to see how difficult it was, fairly simple edit of YTD then make into new YDR/YTD etc

Then I was like might make a troll plant and post it with the american flag or something… but then I instantly was like CBF and realised if I was doing something, lets say a drug script, and I wanted some custom plants for weed varities as some added polish, this is exactly what i’d throw $12 bucks at to get the job done because I don’t have time to waste on 5 plant props, even though it’s doable.

I would say though that $12 is kinda crazy, but at the same time the price and ease of access to quick fixes is what drives supply/demand.

Either way fairly funny because I bet if anyone went and asked how to do the editing of the YDR/YTD in a discord they would get fully shat on by the experts, who were once noobs too, now just entitled spectrum warriors.


It’s now just $5 as the price comments were valid :eyes: theres 25 props total, obviously just 5 different sizes for each plant, 5 plants. But yeah I listened and it’s exactly for the purpose of ease