Do i need any special thing? I have a resource in my fiveM server, which contains a handling file and a __resource file.
When i start it the resource it says done loading handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter.
So technically that says it is loaded it, the handling file must be correct because i taken it from a working script/tried with original(modified by me) handling.meta.
So at this point i dont have any idea what should i do now, no one really helps.
my __resource.lua`
-- the current manifest version level (2016-12-30)
resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'
-- add the files to be sent to the client
files {
-- specify data file entries to be added
-- these entries are the same as content.xml in a DLC pack
data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'handling.meta'
And Here is the server console. No errors anywhere. Im using a drift handling that i have downloaded from somewhere. I checked it, if i apply it to the client directly(so the fiveM client folder) then it works. But if i try to add it from my server, it doesnt work. It says its loaded corretly, but it does literally nothing.
I had the same problem few times before. Make sure in Vehicles.meta is “same name as your addon resource” Otherwise it will take the handling from vanilla model, by it’s name