Chat Designs for FiveM (Standalone, Free)

FiveM Chats Designs

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V1- Design

V2 - Design

I hope you like it, any suggestions I'll be reading you in the comments!

Github Link - Chat Design v1

Github Link - Chat Design v2


You’re not supposed to do replacement chat scripts for redesigns, instead you’re meant to do chat themes. Look at the chat-theme-gtao resource included with cfx-server-data.


Ok bro.

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And so on.

Ok, sorry how do I delete the post?

I mean you don’t have to delete your post if you don’t want to, just update the resources to be themes. If you must, flag your post for moderation and ask nicely.

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Ok, as soon as I can I will do it. Thanks for the warning!

@ChristopherM - Resources Updated!

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Awesome. Well done doing it so quick. Oh and if you did have optimisations for the chat script itself, make sure you PR them to the cfx-server-data repo.


Thanks to you for letting me know, I am new to the forum.


Hey. I got some problems with your V1 design. When starting it with ensure c-chat, it looks like this:

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You must have the resource “chat” Official

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I have. I start chat first and then c-chat

Ok, I will fix it as soon as I can

Fixed, I’m Sorry.

Nice JOB!!

Nice Job! Looks great :+1:

Why does this work but it doesn’t stop the normal chat? I can see both chat windows.


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