Change chat input color & text glitching into the arrow

Hi there y’all,

I’m looking for a fix for the following things. So I’ve modified my chat resource a little and works fine still, but I want to change the color of the text input area to something transparent black maybe? So it’s easier to see what you type because I’ve had a lot of cases where I had to look around in order to see what I was typing in chat, has anyone gotten a clue how? Thanks

Hey ! :slightly_smiling_face:

When I stumbled upon your post, I said to myself : “let’s see how it can be done”.
I found right away the CSS file wich define the style attributes of the chat, so I modified it, but none of the modifications that I did took effect.
I restarted, stopped, started the chat resource but nothing could be done to take my changes into account.

Then when I was looking aroud the server folders, I found out that their is a cache for the chat config !

So in order to do what you want to do :

  1. Modify the CSS file of the chat [ resources\ [gameplay]\chat\html\index.css ] (line 79) :

  2. Delete the chat cache wich is found in [ txData\CFXDefault_131746.base\cache\chat ] :

  3. Restart the chat resource :
    /restart chat

Here is the result :

Peace !

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… no?

Can we do something like that ? :

.chat-input > div.input {
    background-color: rgba(5, 5, 5, 0.6) !important;

in our transparent.css file


okay, thanks

Thanks that was exactly what I was looking for!