[CFX Keymaster] Will not resolve entire VPS IP range

I messaged another element about it, I will follow up to see if he heard anything from bubble. Bubble doesn’t like to be contacted often since he is so busy. :wink:

Have we found a resolution to this post? I am having the issue:

Could not resolve the IP specified (192.168.#.#)

I can’t change service providers as this is the only one in the community here.

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If your IP is starting like that you are not using your PUBLIC IP address…

Any update on Sparklight IP’s… I am having the same issue. If I use hotspot it works fine. Definitely an issue with sparklight IP’s for some reason.

I have made my own post here: Can not Authenticate Server Key with Sparklight IP

I spent an hour and a half today on the phone with Sparklight with no solution. I don’t have the luxury of switching providers as this is the only high speed solution in my area. AT&T isn’t an option for me.

My IP:

Were you able to get in contact with Bubble? I am at my wits end trying to get some kind of help and get this working. Have spent hours on the phone with Sparklight trying to see if they could help out or identify the issue. Is there a way to apply for a whitelisted IP for people that are having these issues? Also - Latest IP is for me. I have tried multiple IP’s all with the same issues as listed above and same Fatal Error.

Could you check for me when you have time to see if you can see what the issue is. on Mediacom ISP

I too am having some issues with creating a server license key. The ISP my server is on is SuddenLink Communications and the IP is:
Here is a who-is link for further reference: Whois IP

I am having the same issue with network ip range

Hey @fireant456 Did they end up fixing it yet or nah? If not is there a way for my host to change something to bypass the issue?

@nta Can you pull in his work please, we have been waiting for this fix for so long.

Unfortunately there is nothing your host can do, or at least what they can do is probably not going to happen due to regulation/policy at those ISPs. This is more of an issue with the resolver that Keymaster uses.

You can check the status of the pull request on github. To this date it is still not pulled. Fix for rwhois.perfectip.net:4321 and rwhois.xmission.com:4321 by Fireant456 · Pull Request #3 · blattersturm/WhoisParser · GitHub

I can’t really help further if the FiveM devs don’t pull the fixes I provide. :man_shrugging:

My host is willing to work with me. They are actually really nice people much like yourself. I can’t afford to wait for FiveM to pull your fix, they seem to have claimed to do it but clearly nothing has changed. If you can tell me a workaround that I can provide my host with, that would be lovely. They are also interested in bypassing it.

@technetium has been tasked long ago to test if the fixes worked before PR’ing, if he didn’t do so I’m still unable to merge this at all.

Surely there is some workaround? We can’t do anything at all. Im sitting here paying for a vps for no reason. I’m not going to get ripped off by zaphosting for a working key.

The only way I can see a host “fixing” this behavior is by removing the “referral server” line in their ARIN data. That will cause the CFX Keymaster to use the ARIN data which should work as long as there are proper contacts listed.

If the referral server is listed CFX Keymaster will attempt to query that server instead of using the data from ARIN. If it cannot read the data because of needing a login or it doesn’t have a template for parsing the data properly to tell if there are contacts listed on the IP registration then it will fail to recognize the IP as “valid”. I have toyed with the idea of just implementing a code change that will default back to the ARIN data if there is not a contact successfully parsed, but I don’t really know if that will cause some issues down the line. :man_shrugging:

You can see if your Host/Host’s ISP is willing to implement the above fix on your IP but most hosts will not if they already have a referral server hosting their up to date IP registration information.

I have reached out to technetium to see about that PR and if it would be beneficial to just implement logic to default back to ARIN data if no contacts are found when attempting to parse the referral server.