🎨 CC Chat - Chat Theme

Did someone made /me /do commands with distance?:slight_smile: so all server cant see it

In the github repos, you can see they are creating an RP-Chat version. :slight_smile: Not sure if itll be released but it’s there, haha

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There is a Pre-Release of CC RP Chat that can be found here

Currently Using [Release] [Free] ND_Framework (DOJRP Inspired)
is there a way to integrate this into the framework? if so please lmk

Look at the commands.lua and you can integrate it through that

I have epic games gta5. When i start paradise server it says:
you need to have steam open to play on this server.
I have opened steam in background but still it does not start.
plz help

Anyone know why none of this works

OOC Command

RegisterCommand(‘ooc’, function(source, args, rawCommand)
local playerName = GetPlayerName(source)
local msg = rawCommand:sub(5)
sendChatMessage(’#3498db’, ‘fa-solid fa-globe’, 'OOC | '…playerName, ‘’, msg)
end, false)

TriggerEvent(‘chat:addSuggestion’, -1, ‘/ooc’, ‘Out of character command’, {
{ name=“Message”, help=“The message you would like to send to the chat” }

function sendChatMessage(color, icon, subtitle, timestamp, msg)
TriggerClientEvent(‘chat:addMessage’, -1 , { templateId = ‘ccChat’, multiline = false, args = { color, icon, subtitle, timestamp, msg } })


RegisterCommand(‘do’, function(source, args, rawCommand)
local playerName = GetPlayerName(source)
local msg = rawCommand:sub(5)
sendChatMessage(’#e74c3c’, ‘fa-duotone fa-notebook’, 'Do | '…playerName, ‘’,^8 msg)
end, false)

TriggerEvent(‘chat:addSuggestion’, -1, ‘/do’, ‘In character do command’, {
{ name=“Message”, help=“The message you would like to send to the chat” }

function sendChatMessage(color, icon, subtitle, timestamp, msg)
TriggerClientEvent(‘chat:addMessage’, -1 , { templateId = ‘ccChat’, multiline = false, args = { color, icon, subtitle, timestamp, msg } })


RegisterCommand(‘ad’, function(source, args, rawCommand)
local playerName = GetPlayerName(source)
local msg = rawCommand:sub(5)
sendChatMessage(’#f1c40f’, ‘fa-solid fa-rectangle-ad’, 'Advertisement | '…playerName, ‘’, msg)
end, false)

TriggerEvent(‘chat:addSuggestion’, -1, ‘/ad’, ‘In character do command’, {
{ name=“Message”, help=“The message you would like to send to the chat” }

function sendChatMessage(color, icon, subtitle, timestamp, msg)
TriggerClientEvent(‘chat:addMessage’, -1 , { templateId = ‘ccChat’, multiline = false, args = { color, icon, subtitle, timestamp, msg } })

Okay. so the chat resource seems to start but i do not get the icons or the border boxes? am i doing something wrong.

je ne peut pas me connecter au seveur vous me rejected

how to change textmark in config?

bro can you plz help me to join paradise rp

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How can I make DiscordChatRoles work with this?

if can turn off chat for everyone,and just use /ooc +text can show text into the box ,that’s too amazing ,so could u do this? plz

i download gta 5 from epic games how i canplay gta 5 roleplay paradise

You need fivem lol

script:cc-rpchat] SCRIPT ERROR: @cc-rpchat/server/main.lua:77: invalid vector field: getName
[ script:cc-rpchat] > ref (@cc-rpchat/server/main.lua:77)

getting this error, can you help

Please note CC-Chat and CC-RPChat have both recently been updated, more information is available on Github

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This issue has been resolved in the latest release of CC-RPChat

How do I make it have the same individual chat outlines that are displayed in the screenshots mine is just a different chat box.

Could you please provide a screenshot containing the issue you are having?