🎨 CC Chat - Chat Theme


🎨 CC Chat - Chat Theme

CC Chat is a chat theme that includes a custom message template for FiveM's default chat resource.
Documentation - Report Bug - Request Feature

:framed_picture: Showcase


:warning: Important Notice

If CC Chat is a dependency for another resource you can ignore this notice.

Please note that this resource does not include any pre-written commands or chat messages; you will need to create them yourself. It is designed for people who have some experience with scripting. Only those who have some idea of what they’re doing will be given support.

:white_check_mark: Features

  • Custom text input box
  • Custom suggestions box
  • A ready-to-use chat template
  • Anti-spam system
  • Font Awesome icons (v6.x.x)
  • Completely customisable
  • Free Forever
  • Support available!

:hammer_and_wrench: Installation

Official guide to installing CC Chat.




  • Create a new folder in your resources folder named cc-chat
  • Extract the archive’s contents to your cc-chat folder.
  • ensure cc-chat anywhere after the default chat resource in your server.cfg.

:seedling: Source Code

CC chat’s source code can be found on GitHub.

You can use and edit this code to your liking as long as you don’t ever claim it to be your own code and always provide proper credit. You’re not allowed to sell cc-chat or any code you take from it. If you want to release your own version of cc-chat, you have to link the original GitHub repo, or release it via a Forked repo.


good job friend

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Not working for me


Im using esx legacy


As the post says:

Look at the docs to get the custom chat messages here

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[ script:chat] ================
[ script:chat] CC Chat (chat) is outdated!
[ script:chat] Current version: (v1.1.3)
[ script:chat] Latest version: (1.1.3) Release CC Chat · Concept-Collective/cc-chat · GitHub

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Should be fixed now

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Looks awesome, good job!


Nice chat for a free release. Keep it up :pinched_fingers:


good job bro

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TriggerClientEvent(‘chat:addMessage’, -1 , { templateId = ‘ccChat’, multiline = false, args = { color, icon, subtitle, timestamp, msg } })

trying to use this sytax. But somehow didnt get the color and the icon.
Someone can give a example how to define this two?

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I get this error message anyone know a fix?

Also this


You appear to be using a chat theme already. Can you restart cc_chat after stopping the PR_chatthema resource?

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I have same problem with no other chat themes on the server.

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would you be able to provide a screenshot or does your error look similar to the one listed above?

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I dont get errors just the chat looking like this


It looks like another resource is controlling the styling for your chat.

Resources can do this in their fxmanifest / resource.lua files and they look something like the following:

chat_theme ‘themename’ {
styleSheet = ‘theme/style.css’,

I would suggest looking through any chat resource you currently have started and stop them one by one whilst restarting CC_Chat. eventually it will work and you will find your problem resource :slight_smile:

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I litterly have no chat resources this is a fresh ESX legacy server.


Okay, After looking here I can see that esx-legacy has a resource called esx_rpchat does your server have this?

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