🧭 CC Location Display

CC Location Display Preview

🧭 CC Location Display

CC Location Display adds a sleek and stylish NUI to the bottom left of the player's screen that displays frequently sort for information while remaining optimised. It is simple to set up and ready to use right away.

:framed_picture: Showcase

Video: CC Location Display Showcase

![CC Location Display Showcase Image|690x388](upload://teiPVJKfCNDbbmtoGgJ3JvanV5a.jpeg)

CC Location Display Color Red

CC Location Display Color Orange

CC Location Display Color Yellow

CC Location Display Color Green

CC Location Display Color Blue

CC Location Display Color Purple

:white_check_mark: Features

  • Easy to use.
  • Ability to change color’s.
  • In game time.
  • Compass and heading.
  • Street names.
  • Area names.
  • Postal’s work when you have the Nearest Postal Script installed (no configuration required).
  • Optimised for performance (configurable).
  • Support and documentation available.

:shopping_cart: Purchase

:bulb: Other Releases

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements Nearest Postal Script (optional)
Support Yes

what parts of the code are accessible?



$18.15 no offense, it is nice but also very expensive imo


It isn’t. Sending the data every ms for your cardinal arrow is whats taking up more usage. It doesn’t help the player, its for visual asthetic, so trading off optimization for a directional arrow doesn’t make sense.

Sending an NUI message ever 100-200ms would take way less cpu usage.

This is a very simple script, I don’t believe it should be paid as this already exists.

Yeah I know, that’s what i’ve been testing but its not as smooth i’ll probably update it to 70-100ms but I want to find the best optimisation for performance and smoothness, if you’d rather that resource then go for it, this is supposed to be more modern and refreshed :person_shrugging:.

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Is the website down? It’s not loading for me


Can we move the position of the location display?