Blip Share: Create, Modify, Share and Delete blips on the fly!

CritteR’s Blip Share is, probably, the best blip manager for your FiveM server!
Blip Share allows you to create, modify, share and delete blips however, whenever and to whoever you want! No more configs, no more coords typing.

It’s Secure!

You can give different permissions to each player on your server (based on ACE permissions by default, but you can connect it to your framework):

Default ACE Permission Set Description
BlipShareUseAccess Needed to interact with the blip menu and the blips created through it.
BlipShareCreateAccess Allows the player to create non-public blips.
BlipShareCreatePublicAccess Enables the Public blip visibility option.
BlipShareModifyAccess Enables the player to modify their own created blips.
BlipShareAdminAccess Enable Find Blip and Find Player menus.
BlipShareSuperAdminAccess Additional admin perm that allows the player to modify/delete other player’s blips.

All of those permission functions are open, which means that you can modify them to fit your needs!
Additionally, each player can be limited in the number of the blips that they can create, and the number of blips that they can have active at one time! (defaults configurable in the config, each player can have their own limits).

It’s Customizable!

Every part of the UI, all the Permission functions, and all SQL functions are open, which means that you can modify absolutely everything that is player-facing, and you can easily connect this to your own framework / scripts.

The only part that is escrowed is the backend logic related to blip data manipulation and server-client syncing. The boring stuff.

It’s Scalable!

It can hold a lot of blips!
You can use this resource to hold all your static blips on your server. Using the blip visibility options, and the group system, all of your city’s locations are available in a single menu. No more changing coordonates in configs! No more trying to find different blip management menus to show/hide predefined blips.
Either if you want to set up bank locations for the entire server, or illegal activities locations for your gang, or just hang-out spots to your friends, Blip Share has you covered. All in one single & simple resource!

It’s Feature-Rich!

Blip List menus * Active Blips: All the blips that you currently have active on your map.

* Created Blips: All the blips that you made (and haven't deleted).

* Public Blips: All the blips created on the server, with the public visibility option.

* Group Blips: All blips created on the server, for the groups that you are part of (configurable, ex: Electrician Job blips, Admin Blips, etc)
Blip Details * You can see the blip name, identifier, icon, description, visibility, creator name and the date that the blip was created. If the blip is deleted (only seen by admins, if the blip is still in the database), then the deleted date, and the name of the deletor is also seen.

* If the blip is active, you will have a "Focus blip on map" button which will center the map on the blip, when pressed.

* Admins can also lookup blip details directly from the database, using the blip identifier.
Blip Creation & Modification * You can use all the existing in-game blips (updated to b3047, Agents of Sabotage) and all the blip colors.

* You can use a unique blip identifier (unique server-wide, you can't have 2 blips with the same one), blip name and description (200 chars by default).

* You can set the blip scale, opacity (alpha), and the coords (ofc.. it will use the coords of the waypoint blip. The menu shows the map zone where the waypoint is.)

* You can set a radius around the blip. Minimum 1 units, max 1500 units (they are the same units as the vector3() distance between coords).

* There are 4 blip visibility options that you can use:
> Public: Visible to all players in a menu list.
> Unlisted: Still publicly available, but players need to know the blip identifier to access it.
> Group: Accessible only to people that are part of the groups that you select. Visible in a group blip list, or by using the blip identifier. Groups are configurable by you. You can, for example, connect it to OX_CORE groups system.
> Private: Only shown to you (or the admins stalking you).

* You can also modify existing blips (that you own, or all if you are a super admin), which allows you to edit everything like a new blip, except the identifier.
Admin tools * Find Blip: Type in the blip identifier. If it exists in the database, it will open the blip details menu and show you that blip's data.

* Find Player: Type in the player source or part of name (configurable, you can modify this for your framework) and if the user is online, it will show you their permissions, their active and created blips. Super Admins can delete / modify these blips, regular admins can only see the details.
Configs * Change the command name for modifying the player max active/created blips.

* Enable / disable groups.

* Completely delete blips: When true, a deleted blip will be completely be removed from the db. Not recommended, really.

* Default max number of active / created blips.
Multi-language support * Each notification string can be modified, and the system allows for localization (english and romanian by default). You can just modify the EN strings if your server is not multi-language.
Probably more stuff that I forgot about. There's a lot in here!

It’s User Friendly!

Open your fullscreen map, press Alt. There you go, the menu is open!
Here are a couple of screenshots with various menus.

It’s Also Dev Friendly!

Along side all of the UI elements, there are a lot of opened functions that lets you seamlessly incorporate this in your server!


[[ BUY IT NOW ON TEBEX! (€4.99) ]]


Feel free to reach out to me on the forums, or through Tebex if you need any help, or have any issues with the script. I will gladly explain to you what to change in order to connect this resource to your server, but I cannot tell you how exactly to connect it to your framework, as I don’t use them.

Code is accessible UI and hooks YES / backend logic NO
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 4000+
Requirements oxmysql, or any sql database resource
Support Yes

Day-One Update

  • Fix: correctly save the player in the Database.
  • Fix: correctly check for exports when creating a new blip.
  • Fix: remove debug prints in both client and server.
  • Fix (hopefully): Not show the NUI menu when joining the server.

Pretty cool, does this in any way get around the blip limit? That seems to be the biggest obstacle rn.

It doesn’t (I’m trying to find a solution rn), but if you move your static blips to this system, each player can keep only the blips that they need at one time, which can help with the limit.

You will still have to switch between blips if you have that many.

edit: Fixed in v.1.0.2

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Feel free to ping me if you ever find a workaround for the blip limit, happy to buy this once we can do a lot more advanced stuff with a large number of blips :saluting_face:

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Update v1.0.1

:pushpin:feat: Moved blip_info & kBlipInfo exports support to public / open code, in a crit_BlipShare:ExtendBlipCreation client-event. Check client_ui_elements.lua for details on how to use it.

:wrench:fix: Fixed completelyDeleteBlips config attribute. If that is true, now blips will be automatically deleted from the DB, freeing the blip identifier to be used again (but I still don’t recommend it).

:wrench:fix: Activated SuperAdmin functions in the Admin Find Player list. Now super admins can delete, modify or remove blips from other players. Please let me know if it breaks anything.

:wrench:fix: Some code cleanup and more comments in the open code.

:warning:This update changes both public and private files. If you already connected this to your framework, you will have to do it again. Sorry.

Update v1.0.2

:pushpin: feat: Added Show On Map Legend button toggle on Blip Details modal for active blips, to toggle them from appearing in the fullscreen map blip legend (also prevents them from being selected. So the hover animation).

This was done to curb the issue with the map scaleform that breaks the blip legend when there are too many unique list entries. Currently looking for a fix on that scaleform.

:wrench: fix: The system will wait one tick after setting a blip name. This is done to fix the “blip limit” issue when too many blip names set without any wait will overwhelm the game engine and cause blips to spawn with blank names.

This is only fixing my blip spawning function. If you have this error in your scripts, you might want apply the same fix there.

:warning:This update changes the following files:

  • All private files.
  • public/client/client_menu_nui.lua
  • public/client/html/index.html
  • public/client/html/script.js
  • fxmanifest.lua

Hi, we somehow have the problem that the script is not initialized correctly and also when we restart the script and try to create a blip, we only get

crit_BlipShare:RequestUseBlip :: Invalid Blip ID or Unsynced Player

What do you mean by that, what exactly, happens?

Are the blips loading correctly from the database? Can you find them by searching the blip identifier using the “Find Blip” admin menu?

This plus does not appear on the map. Only when we restart the script can we call it up. So far we have not been able to create any scripts with it

Nice release! I like how the NUI follows the styling of the default GTA menus.

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Thanks! Yeah, I tried to at least make feel like it’s part of the game, and not a webpage placed on top of the map.

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I bought and tested it on my server, and everything works exactly as it should. It’s stable, highly optimized, and exactly what I needed to better manage locations between players. Plus, it allows me to create public blips very quickly, which is a huge help for events. This is a brilliant script that should be a must-have on any FiveM server. Fast support and great solutions—I highly recommend it!

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Update v1.0.3

:pushpin: feat: Added “Add Blip for Everyone” checkbox, when an admin creates a new public blip. This will automatically add that blip to everyone online on the server, that has access to the blip menu and space to add a new viewable blip.
With this, you can now quickly create event blips, for example, and have everyone on the server see them without the need to ask them to add the blip.

:pushpin: feat: Added error notifications for Find Blip and Find Player admin functions. If you don’t want those notifications, leave them blank in the sh_locales.lua file.

:wrench: fix: Fixed “blip-info” export to not duplicate blip data when modifying a blip.

:wrench: fix: “Find Player” admin menu automatically opens the player permissions tab.

:warning:This update changes the following files:

  • All private files.
  • public/client/client_menu_nui.lua
  • public/client/client_ui_elements.lua
  • public/client/html/index.html
  • public/client/html/script.js
  • public/client/html/style.css
  • public/shared/sh_locales.lua
  • fxmanifest.lua