Best Way to Enable Cayo Perico Alongside LS?

Hey Guys, Looking for a Bit of Direction Here…

I’m in the process of developing my server, and we’d like to have the Cayo Perico island enabled alongside the normal LS map. This biggest reason we want to stay away from portals, is we’d like players to be able to just drive boats or fly planes over there, instead of having to teleport. With that being said, I’m wondering if anyone’s come up with a good way to do this.

We had originally tried basically just full blown loading the island WITH LS, through IPLs, however I started noticing weird texture issues on LS when it was setup like that. Missing light poles, broken highway textures, etc.

So then I tried the “xnCayoPerico” resource, which basically just uses a player’s location to determine whether or not to load the island, but that resource has it’s complications as well. For example, not being able to TP there (downside for admins and development), having to come up with a way to store whether or not a player is on the island when they disconnect so that it reloads the island when they reconnect, etc.

Anyone managed to find a “perfect” solution yet? The xnCayoPerico resource has proved the most promising so far, just with some pretty big modifications, just wanted to see if someone had come up with or found anything else before I start going crazy modifying that. Thanks guys!

For reference: xnCayoPerico (smooth Cayo Perico transition) [Free]

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You could use a distance check in your teleport function to determine to load the island or not.

local distance = #(vector3(tpcoord.x, tpcoord.y, tpcoord.z) - vector3(cayocoord.x, cayocoord.y, cayocoord.z))
if distance < 300 then
    — Load island