Aspirant Gaming is looking for new, exciting personnel to join our role-playing community! Our community is driven by professional, serious role-play rooted in realism. Our training programs are formed from actual real life practices hand-tailored to fit the GTA5 universe, and encourage our players to role-play their scenes and actions as if they were living the characters life themselves.
You can join us by applying at:
Check out our public Discord as well at: Aspirant Gaming
- Custom CAD/MDT
- Active Developers
- Active Daily Patrols
- No recording / social media limitations
- Custom Documentation Website for SOPS / Training Guides / Penal Code
- Several subdivision openings
** Speed Enforcement Unit
** Traffic Enforcement Unit
** Air Support Unit - Warrant Application System
- Long standing character history
- High quality custom made assets and liveries
- Dedicated stable leadership
- Rock solid server platform and development cycle
Our Joining Process:
Everyone that joins Aspirant gaming starts out as a civilian. If you get past the application and the interview, then you will be trained to start roleplaying as a basic civilian. After you have made it through basic civilian training you can then apply for training in LEO, Fire, Dispatch, and or any other subdivision.
* If you do not have a pc that can handle Gta5/5M then you can always apply for the Dispatch department instead!