[API/dev resource] screenshot-basic - make screenshots of clients' games!

Hi, i’m trying to use it on a zap server, buy the only thing i get is that error: Captura de pantalla 2020-10-05 220712
Does somebody know why?

Tutorial on how to have your own hosting for uploading pictures,

Assuming that you have your own hosting / VPS,

This method can work, with/without domains.

Step 1 : Know your domain / IP for your hosting service (My example : http://vliferoleplay.tech)

Step 2 : Download this up.php file

up.php (757 Bytes)

Step 3 : You need to open the php file with any editor and add your website url with http://[ip address or domain]].com/in/tech etc, and then edit the $sharexdir to the directory you want to upload the images to. Example : “screenshots/”, in my case its “ss/”. Below is a picture of what it should look like.

Step 4 : Copy the file and keep it in “www” if you are using linux based hosting or /htdocs/ in services like XAAMP.

Step 5 : Make sure you get this error when you try to open up.php via browser. Example "http:(your domain/ip)/up.php) in my case its http://vliferoleplay.tech/up.php.

This is what it should come back :

Step 6 : If you can see above image, then you can proceed further by opening up your gcphone/html/static/config/config.json

Step 7 : Find “fileUploadService_Url” and enter the website domain/ip in this manner :

http://domain.com/up.php” or “http://ipaddress/up.php

Note : The above IP / Domain should be same as we tested in Step 5.

Step 8 : Make sure fileUploadService_Field is “files” or “files”.

Step 9 : After this all things, you should be getting all of your images getting uploaded to your desired domain or IP.

Info : If cloudflare is active on your website, you would need to modify some Firewall rules and bypass the “path” where the images is saved or make a custom rule.



@XDope nice man ty you are the best!

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hi i want a player to take a screenshot with / takess id command and throw a discord webhook

how can I do it

@adonis1 there is already a script for that [Release] [Standalone] Discord Screenshot but you still need to have screenshot-basic I think the maker is giving with the release file a version of it

You can do it with PHP and Xampp the way that @XDope is showing how to do I make it with his way and it’s all working


did you find a solution?

Hi does anyone know how to make this send you a message on discord from a discord bot i know its possible i just dont know how to link a discord bot with screenshot basic with the phone

i know why! Have the same problem on Zap
so i did talk to them and they have dissable this on there side to not have serverlag

and they will not activate it

so if you wanna use it u need to find a new server host :frowning: sad

Is there anyway to not show screenshot-basic in the NUI_Devtools? Some people like to F8 - nui_devtools and disable screenshot-basic so they can have their freedom with menus and what not. Is there anyway to hide this from showing in their nui_devtools? let me know plesae.

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Look up “discord-screenshot” it’s a resource with a standalone command baked into it


Pass me the download link of the gcphone you are using?

I see only File upload failed - CHMOD/Folder doesn’t exist?

File is in wwwroot/up.php

$sharexdir = “/”; //This is your file dir, also the link…

Hello, i have a little problem with gcphone and basic screebshot. we try to load image on Igmur and when we try to take a pics we have this error message.

i try to go in vendor.js and i have this.

Someone have an idea ?

I show you the funtion for take photo. maybe it can help.


do you already fix?

I am having issues with compiling (runinning the screenshot-basic). It starts and the it stucks on

webpack is busy: we are waiting to compile screenshot-basic (server.config.js)

Any ideas on fix, how to fix it?

My guess that this is from your server and its lagging when I have this its fixes itself and its not really an issue

So it fixes after some time? Or how long did it take for you to compile and load?

I have the same issue with squizer. During building it says that webpack is busy. I’ve tried on a fresh localhost server and even on a different PC. Is it by any chance an incompability with Windows 10?

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