Andrew Modifications' Road Overhaul

Roads Overhaul

Andrew Modifications Road Overhaul.

This pack was designed to suit everyone’s needs, this is a server sided map, that assists and improves it for everyone on the server. This map is server sided and it removes and replaces all road textures.

There are diffrent textures though out the map such as the following.

  1. Vinewood
  2. Grove St
  3. Davis
  4. Sandy Shores
  5. Grapeseed
  6. Senora Fwy
  7. Los Santos Freeway
  8. Paleto Bay

There are pictures below.

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements None [Standalone]
Support Yes


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Can we get the resource specifications . Texture Sizes , what does it actually replace , etc

It replaces all of the old default GTA Roads, and replaces them with new ones.

$151 AUD? Thats surely incorrect right? Lol

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Its is incorrect, it is $90, but tebex charges its fees, and i cant change that.

90 dollars for a road pack. Forums these days are so overpriced

here is a free one

or do a quick search on gta 5 mods u will find some others

Wait… Is the just LA road? Looks like it. What the difference

Yes, it is. It’s the client side mod just made up server side. That’s hilarious. I’ve seen this before for free like 2 or maybe 3 years ago

Ye but look at Andrews pics of his roads and the compare it to LA I see no difference. If u are going to make a road pack maybe do one that is not already done.
but ye LOL its funny

@Synth420 @Flobbah Ok so before you go pointing things out that are way out of proportion, First of all, my resource is server sided, it replaces every single road on the map, not just the city, and it is also 4k.


And @Flobbah it is server sided, not like i just made that up.

theres your proof.

You can hate all you want, and people are free to use anything else but this is really the only good server sided mod, the rest is client to my knowledge. People have their choices.

Is that Ur resource ur showing?

He is trying the Resell LA Roads. His resource is from 2018. Same as LA roads

As i explained before, before you blocked me, LA Roads is for Singleplayer and is client side. Mine is Server Sided, and for FiveM.

so this one is free and server side and for fivem what’s the different ?

None I will send a pic

So one is his and the other is LA roads, Date stamps are exact resource names are exact

i know that’s why I’m asking him he point out his is server side so is this one

Agreed I would also want his side of his story he never gave a actual difference. He just removed me from his Server

he can remove me but that will just prove he stole it… i would like to see why he say its different the free one is server side his one is and they have same file names/date if he modified anything in the files even 4k textures then the dates will be different

The they have the same file names because it replaces the texture.