Here’s a fun little script i made a while ago, it’s not perfect, there are some bugs, (for example bombushka pilots plunging them selves into the ground), but it’s overall usable and i find it a fun little toy to play with. , it doesn’t have a whitelist in it or such, so if you dont want everyone to be able to call airstrikes you will have to implement one yourself. the script works like this:
the command is /airstrike, followed by any of these words:
light: 1 aircraft, small and few bombs
medium: 3 aircrafts, a bit more bombs and definitely more poweful
heavy: 2 lazers and 1 bombushka, the lazers have the same payload as the medium aircrafts but the bombushka carries 300 heavy bombs which will destroy ANYTHING in a 100 meters radius from the position of the airstrike.
when this command will be used, an airstrike will be requested on your current position.
If there are any really big bugs, let me know and i’ll try to fix them, but i’m pretty sure this release won’t get many updates in the future
it’s hard to take videos while gaming on a , so no, unfortunately i do not , if i remember, i’ll get one next month when i’ll rebuild my potato into an actual gaming desktop lol
Thanks for the video! for anyone asking why sometimes it didn’t work when he called the command, it’s because you can’t call multiple heavy or medium attacks at the same time, you have to wait for the ongoing one to end. I will try to fix the kamikaze bombushkas as soon as possible anyway :^)
The resource loads fine and when I type in the command the aircraft spawn and start flying towards my location. However, unless I am near an airfield they drop their payload far short then fly to a random location and sit there.
Tried this in my zombie server and most of the time the aircrafts either don’t show up unless spamming the command or entering a second time or they come in and just fly around or fall to the ground. Also can you make it to where it picks a random spot to airstrike around the player in the distance instead of on top of them?
Hi, thanks for the feedback. Your issue seems very much likely to be caused by slow hard disk or such, as I experienced it myself on a low end machine and on a high end one everything was fine. Even on the low end one, you would only have to enter it twice the first time. The kamikaze bombushkas is a problem I’ll try to solve when I have time/when I’ll want to anyway. And yeah the airstrike will be launched on the user’s marker position in the future.