Advanced Vehicles | Upgrades | Tunnings | Car Services | Oil | Nitro | Mileage | Vehicle Damage

Hello, you can add any handling upgrades you want. Paintjobs are not the point of the script, it just changes the vehicle handling

interested in this but the last script i purchased like this was riddled with bugs. I know its a long shot but do you have a test server i could check this out in?

Sorry, i dont have a test server, but dont worry. I’ll give you support for nay problems

ill talk with my partner and see what they wanna do

Feel free to ask if you have any questions

could i see what the config looks like?

no paint function?

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I’m going crazy looking for support, I need help this script I bought it but it tells me that the vehicle is invalid.

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It is a huge file :stuck_out_tongue:
You can edit everything you need there.

If you need any help just DM me my friend

Is it ip locked or encrypted?

No, source code provided

if you add and engines this script will be perfect

You can configure new engines on config :smiley:

can we add engines which will rewrite handling and can they be with custom sounds ?

Custom sounds are not available now. But you can add any upgrade part

When my licenseplate using custom number, The system will not working

If you are driving the Motorcycle , The system will not working

It only works for owned vehicles, and the plate must be in DB to verify the ownership of the vehicle.

You can enable the Motorcycle by enabling the option in config. Take a time to read and understand everything there :smiley:

And download again the latest version, i made some optimizations and fixes

If you still having problems, contact me on DM