Advanced Drug Sales


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Code is accessible Escrowed/Open Source
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5000+
Requirements Dependencies
Support Yes

:heart_eyes::fire: This script is lit! :video_game:

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Glad to see you guys back in action, great work :partying_face:


Itā€™s nice to hear that, thank you very much! :heart_hands:


Man this looks dope.

One thing im not fond of is using the ā€œselldrugsā€ command.
could you make app that can trigger it instead for better immersion.

also, I assume the police get alerts on sales?

Can a police officer check a players phone?

Will you continue to update this?

Lastly , Is this coded better then your other scripts? (As in ā€œup to date methodsā€)
I purchased a few qb scripts from inside , they all appear to be outdated code , still using a Keys table , nothing looped to the config file for items , ect .


this is dope, agree with the command thing.
Maybe an event we can trigger from a player menu, perhaps?

also is there a chance to be robbed in any of the scenarios?
I saw like pulling out a gun, the scam and not having product.

But is there any chance % to be robbed for product during any of sales?

again this extremely dope, will be purchasing at some point this weekend.

  1. Replacing the ā€œselldrugsā€ Command: Currently, itā€™s feasible to quickly add the capability to trigger drug selling actions with a little assistance on Discord. However, we are actively working on a swift update to further streamline this process. The upcoming update will enable the execution of a TriggerServerEvent in various ways, allowing every server administrator to tailor it according to their preferences.
  2. Police Alerts on Sales: Yes, the script can be configured to notify the police when an NPC calls them, similar to whatā€™s shown in the video. The notification to the police (dispatch) can be set up in the configuration to your preference.
  3. Police Checking Playersā€™ Phones: Currently, the phone in the script is primarily used for quick communication for drug sales. Itā€™s not intended for police to check it. Given that NPCs have random IDs, it wouldnā€™t be very informative for gameplay.
  4. Continued Updates: Thereā€™s a commitment to continuously work on updates and improvements to make the script more user-friendly and adaptable to different server needs.
  5. Code Quality and Updates: Efforts are being made to write optimized code, and any issues will be addressed with ongoing updates. Itā€™s acknowledged that some of the older scripts focused more on introducing new features rather than optimal configuration for players. The current approach is more balanced, prioritizing both functionality and user experience.

Iā€™m glad you like the concept and agree with the idea of moving away from a fixed command. Indeed, integrating the drug selling action into a player menu as an event that can be triggered would add an additional layer of immersion and convenience. However, we are actively working on a swift update to further streamline this process.

Regarding the possibility of being robbed, in the current setup, if a shootout starts with a client due to pulling out a weapon or not having the required amount of drugs, thereā€™s a scenario where if the client or their bodyguards kill you, they will take all the cash you have on you. This will be visually represented through NPC animations, adding to the realism and intensity of the game.

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be cool to add a chance to be robbed, just throw a lil chaos in

are npcs and such syncā€™d between players?


sure, just like in the video


Important Update for Drug Sales Script!

We are excited to announce a significant update to the Drug Sales Script. This update includes several improvements and fixes to enhance the functionality and performance of your server.

Update Highlights:

  • Player Data Retrieval Fix: Issues with retrieving player data have been resolved, ensuring smoother operation on both client and server sides.
  • Server Event for Drug Selling Activation: Added a server event to enable drug selling, allowing activation not only through the '/selldrugs' command but also via:
  • Client-Side: TriggerServerEvent("SellDrugs:Status_Selling_Drugs")
  • Server-Side: TriggerEvent("SellDrugs:Status_Selling_Drugs", source)
  • Multi-Job System for Police in Config: Introduced a multi-job system in the config, allowing for the specification of multiple job names to be recognized as police.
  • Separate File for Targets: Targets are now available in a separate file, enabling the use of ox_target and qb-core independently of the framework. A new line in the config specifies the target system being used, and the target file allows for the customization of different targets.

Files Updated:

  • fxmanifest.lua
  • config.lua
  • client/main.lua
  • client/mole.lua
  • client/retail.lua
  • client/wholesale.lua
  • server/retail.lua

New Files:

  • client/target.lua

We highly recommend updating to this latest version to fully benefit from these enhancements. The updated files are available at Keymaster.
Thank you for your continued support. Weā€™re excited to see how these updates will enhance your Drug Sales experience!

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can players be robbed during street sales as well?

Getting rid of the command in favor of an additional app would be ideal .

since there is a leveling system, I think a future improvement would be a most ā€œwanted / Top pusher leaderboardā€ that possibly list the top 5 drug pushers in the city, This would allow PD to have a reason to build cases.


Hi, the script is interesting and looks cool, of course I would like to see and try it to understand exactly what it can do and how to use it.


I have many of your scripts, hope this will be better than the others


I like that this script is not a simple drug sale with target but has multiple option with difficulties, good to see ya back guys, keep up the good work! :smiley:


i think all of this would be dope, when it gets updated with this id purchase open source if available.


Looks to be a really cool script and would love to have it in my server one day!


Hello everyone! :wave:

Weā€™re excited to announce a new update for the ā€˜Drug Salesā€™ script in FiveM, along with a special discount offer for our existing ā€˜SellDrugsā€™ script users.

:hammer_and_wrench: Update Highlights for ā€˜Drug Salesā€™ Script:

  • Server-Side Error Fixes: Resolved issues causing errors when players join or leave the server, enhancing stability.
  • Locale File Update: Estonian language support added! The ā€˜eeā€™ locale file has been replaced with ā€˜etā€™.
  • New Admin Command ā€˜drugsales-statsā€™: Allows administrators to modify or add player statistics, ideal for testing.
  • Updated Translations: All locale files now include translations for the new ā€˜drug-sales-statsā€™ command.

:file_folder: Files Updated:

  • All server-side Lua files (server/*.lua)
  • All locales files (locales/*.lua)

:star2: Special Discount Offer for ā€˜SellDrugsā€™ Users:

  • As a token of appreciation, weā€™re offering an exclusive discount on the new ā€˜Drug Salesā€™ script for our current ā€˜SellDrugsā€™ users. All information on our discord

We highly recommend updating to the latest version of ā€˜Drug Salesā€™ for an enhanced experience. The updated files are available at the original download link.

Thank you for your continued support. Weā€™re eager to see how these updates and our new discount offer will enhance your FiveM experience!

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Hi, the script is interesting and looks cool, of course I would like to see and try it to understand exactly what it can do and how to use it.


Great work! :heart_eyes: