Advanced dj script

:loud_sound: ADVANCED DJ SCRIPT WITH SPOTLIGHTS and more:loud_sound:

:mechanical_arm: Trailer

:computer: Showcase

:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex

Smoke machines
Fire & Firework machines
New microphone
New dynamic spotlights
Create/Delete Playlists
0.0ms Idle
And much more…

Code is accessible No (Only Config.lua)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2000
Requirements xsound
Support Yes


Config = {}

Config.Framework = 'esx' -- Put 'esx' if you are using ESX | Put 'qbcore' of you are using QBCore | Put '' if you want to use STANDALONE VERSION

Config.WhitelistedJobsList = { -- The jobs with whitelist

Config.xSoundName = 'xsound' -- Only change this if you are using a modificacion of xsound and the name is changed

Config.Particles = {
    ['fire'] = { dict = 'core', name = 'ent_sht_flame', time = 5000 },
    ['fireworks'] = { dict = 'scr_indep_fireworks', name = 'scr_indep_firework_trailburst', time = 5000 },

Config.Microphone = function(status) -- Only change this if you are not using PMA-VOICE
    if status then
        exports["pma-voice"]:overrideProximityRange(100.0, true)

Config.IdentifierType = 'license:'

Config.DJ_DESKS = {
    ['Vinewood_Bowl'] = { -- From: Vanilla GTA5
        Location = { x = 683.7, y = 569.8, z = 130.5 },
        Distance = 100.0, -- Meters
        RenderDistance = 150.0,
        SmokeTime = 25000,
        Default_Volume = 0.25, -- Recommended Default Volume
        LightShow = {
            { func = 'spotlight', index="left_2", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(674.3333, 578.7288, 130.4612), coords = vector3(681.6506, 582.4746, 138.1399), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = false}, -- Izquierda 2
            { func = 'spotlight', index="right_2", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(696.0738, 570.6930, 130.4612), coords = vector3(692.8427, 579.6556, 138.1399), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = true}, -- Derecha 2
            { func = 'spotlight', index="left_1", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(679.6807, 576.7526, 130.4612), coords = vector3(683.9803, 584.1703, 138.0896), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = false}, -- Izquierda 1
            { func = 'spotlight', index="right_1", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(690.6396, 572.6760, 130.4612), coords = vector3(691.5345, 582.1163, 138.0896), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = true}, -- Derecha 1
            { func = 'spotlight', index="front_center", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(686.3047, 577.7862, 130.4613), coords = vector3(683.7888, 569.3659, 138.9087), type = 'static', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}}, -- Centro Frente
            { func = 'spotlight', index="bottom_center", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(683.4389, 569.6895, 130.4612), coords = vector3(688.1980, 584.4244, 137.8958), type = 'static', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}}, -- Centro Fondo
            { func = 'spotlight', index="exterior_left", velocity=30, reference_point = vector3(680.8711, 562.9232, 138.4817), coords = vector3(668.4625, 574.5662, 128.6971), type = 'up-down', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=0,b=0}, channel = true}, -- Frente Izquierda
            { func = 'spotlight', index="exterior_right", velocity=30, reference_point = vector3(680.8711, 562.9232, 138.4817), coords = vector3(698.1614, 563.6755, 128.6965), type = 'up-down', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=0,b=0}, channel = true}, -- Frente Derecha
            { func = 'screen', index="screen_center", coords = vector3(682.9450, 568.5685, 142.4368), heading = 341.5497 },
            { func = 'screen', index="screen_left", coords = vector3(629.6432, 558.6321, 137.7407), heading = 39.0154 },
            { func = 'screen', index="screen_right", coords = vector3(717.9317, 526.5700, 137.7407), heading = 286.3426 },

            { func = 'screen', index="screen_right", coords = vector3(378.4557, 274.9474, 92.4002), heading = 256.2657 },
        Effects = {
            { coords = vector3(682.6864, 567.4304, 129.6612), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -20.0 }, effect_size = 2.0 },
            { coords = vector3(695.3033, 566.8151, 129.6614), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -20.0 }, effect_size = 2.0 },
            { coords = vector3(672.3859, 575.4044, 129.6616), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -20.0 }, effect_size = 2.0 },
        SmokeCoords = {
            { coords = vector3(698.2062, 565.8767, 129.4612), heading = 251.3153, rot = 180.0, targets = {
                vector3(689.7142, 564.2886, 129.0458),
                vector3(692.5880, 563.3948, 129.0460),
                vector3(681.6478, 563.6016, 129.0157),
                vector3(699.2592, 561.0050, 129.0461),
            } },
            { coords = vector3(703.9235, 562.1609, 133.8415), heading = 251.3153, rot = 180.0, targets = {
                vector3(695.1696, 569.7466, 130.4613),
                vector3(688.9940, 569.9821, 130.4613),
                vector3(689.3557, 575.8280, 130.4613),
                vector3(692.8883, 581.8361, 130.4613),
                vector3(697.4370, 577.4615, 130.4613),
                vector3(697.2260, 569.2121, 130.4662),
            } },
            { coords = vector3(669.4538, 576.4230, 129.4615), heading = 70.70, rot = 0.0, targets = {
                vector3(674.4692, 570.1786, 129.0462),
                vector3(676.6494, 569.8362, 129.0462),
                vector3(679.2704, 564.6002, 129.0462),
                vector3(665.4129, 572.1701, 129.0466),
                vector3(674.1650, 576.8971, 130.4615),
                vector3(680.0535, 577.0251, 130.4613),
                vector3(679.8480, 581.9109, 130.4613),
                vector3(675.5769, 583.8447, 130.4613),
            } },
            { coords = vector3(662.9620, 576.9605, 133.8416), heading = 70.70, rot = 0.0, targets = {
                vector3(682.2175, 586.6760, 130.4613),
                vector3(680.4813, 574.4057, 130.4613),
                vector3(682.5893, 581.9211, 130.4613),
                vector3(680.4192, 566.1691, 129.0461),
            } },
    ['Split_Sides'] = { -- From:■■■■■■
        Location = { x = -456.7947, y = 273.9791, z = 84.2238 },
        Distance = 50.0, -- Meters
        RenderDistance = 50.0,
        SmokeTime = 25000,
        Default_Volume = 0.25, -- Recommended Default Volume
        LightShow = {
            { func = 'spotlight', index="left_2", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(-449.5627, 270.8548, 83.2047), coords = vector3(-449.5627, 272.8548, 87.2047), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = true}, -- Izquierda 2
            { func = 'spotlight', index="right_2", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(-449.3085, 274.7450, 83.2047), coords = vector3(-449.3085, 276.7450, 87.4567), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = false}, -- Derecha 2
            { func = 'spotlight', index="left_1", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(-449.8505, 270.3709, 83.2047), coords = vector3(-449.8505, 268.3709, 87.5197), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = true}, -- Izquierda 1
            { func = 'spotlight', index="right_1", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(-443.0583, 270.6282, 83.2047), coords = vector3(-443.0583, 268.6282, 88.2127), type = 'linear', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=50,b=50}, channel = false}, -- Derecha 1
            { func = 'spotlight', index="front_center", velocity=10, reference_point = vector3(-442.6168, 271.1059, 83.2047), coords = vector3(-442.6168, 273.1059, 88.2127), type = 'static', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=0,g=0,b=50}}, -- Centro Frente
        Effects = {
            { coords = vector3(-450.8203, 271.3472, 82.8237), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -95.0 }, effect_size = 2.0 },
            { coords = vector3(-452.0027, 268.8690, 82.8237), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -140.0 }, effect_size = 2.0 },
            { coords = vector3(-451.6219, 273.9716, 82.8237), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -50.0 }, effect_size = 2.0 },
        SmokeCoords = {
            { coords = vector3(-450.3163, 264.7432, 82.0222), heading = 175.7538, rot = 90.0, targets = {
                vector3(-449.0729, 269.5695, 83.0222),
                vector3(-449.3416, 275.7599, 83.0221),
                vector3(-442.9503, 277.0859, 83.0221),
                vector3(-441.7586, 272.3806, 83.0221),
            } },
    ['Tequilala'] = { -- From: Vanilla GTA5
        Location = { x = -560.6406, y = 281.7243, z = 85.6765 },
        Distance = 50.0, -- Meters
        RenderDistance = 50.0,
        SmokeTime = 25000,
        Default_Volume = 0.25, -- Recommended Default Volume
        LightShow = {
            { func = 'spotlight', index="exterior_left", velocity=15, reference_point = vector3(-551.5994, 284.2672, 85.2190), coords = vector3(-550.6808, 288.3711, 81.9767), type = 'up-down', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=0,b=0}, channel = true}, -- Frente Izquierda
            { func = 'spotlight', index="exterior_right", velocity=15, reference_point = vector3(-551.5994, 284.2672, 85.2190), coords = vector3(-551.2626, 281.1283, 81.9767), type = 'up-down', color = 'static', color_rgb = {r=50,g=0,b=0}, channel = true}, -- Frente Derecha
        Effects = {
            { coords = vector3(-551.9310, 286.2948, 82.25), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -95.0 }, effect_size = 1.0 },
            { coords = vector3(-552.4740, 282.8806, 82.25), rotation = { p = -90.0, r = 0.0, y = -95.0 }, effect_size = 1.0 },
        SmokeCoords = {
            { coords = vector3(-552.9420, 289.6099, 81.1763), heading = 354.4157, rot = 90.0, targets = {
                vector3(-555.7430, 288.3029, 82.1763),
                vector3(-554.3656, 286.3562, 82.1763),
                vector3(-556.1230, 284.1127, 82.1763),
                vector3(-554.6021, 280.2755, 82.1763),
            } },

Config.QuickAccessAudios = {
    [1] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},
    [2] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},
    [3] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},
    [4] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},
    [5] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},
    [6] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},
    [7] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},
    [8] = {url = '', volume = 0.5},

Config.Marker = {
    Type = 24,
    SizeX = 0.500,
    SizeY = 0.500,
    SizeZ = 0.500,
    ColorR = 50,
    ColorG = 50,
    ColorB = 155,
    Alpha = 255,
    Jump = true,
    FollowCam = true

Config.DrawCustomContext = function(playerCoords)
    AddTextComponentString('Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the DJ table')
    DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1)

Check my other scripts:


I love having the ability to play music in places like this.

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0.0ms without being in the stage
0.06ms near the stage with static lights
0.20 ms near the stage with RGB lights mode (this is because it need a lot of light changes, but doesn’t affect FPS).

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I meant 0.06 sorry :sweat_smile:

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We made some updates, the script is available at:

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Check out my other scripts:


:cold_face: 25 OFF :cold_face:


:laughing: Get it quickly after the stock gets to 0 :laughing:

:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex

Only 2 coupon codes in stock :melting_face:

:dizzy: Be quick :dizzy:

:fire: New Update :fire:

25% OFF in our DJ SCRIPT only 3 DAYS

:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex


:computer: Showcase


:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex

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Remember that our offer is still Available :smiley:


:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex


:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex

New UPDATEs Availables!

Remember that our offer is still Available :smiley:

:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex

Go check out our script:

:money_with_wings: Available on Tebex