Advanced Blip System

Compatible : RSG / Vorp(Soon)

:tv: Showcase
:purple_heart: Purchase Here

Config File

Config = {}

Config.MinutesCooldown = 1 -- Minutes

Config.DiscordLogs = {
	trigger_event = 'rsg-log:server:CreateLog',
	name_of_log = 'dutyjob', -- rsg-essentials
	offline_job = 'Offline Job',


Config.Texts = {
	open_job_message = 'is now open!',
	close_job_message = 'is closed!',
	no_belong_job = 'You dont belong to company!',
	cooldown_message = 'Wait %d seconds until you can change your job status!' -- %d is the second so do not change!


Config.CompanyBlips = {
		blipName 	= 'Rhodes Gun store',


		modifierOff	= 'BLIP_MODIFIER_DEBUG_RED',

		textureHash	= -145868367,

		job_name	= 'rhodgunsmith',
		job_image   = '', width = '26', height = '26',

		pos			= vector3(1359.7028, -1281.2017, 77.2287),
		blipName 	= 'Saint Denis Gun store',


		modifierOff	= 'BLIP_MODIFIER_DEBUG_RED',

		textureHash	= -145868367,

		job_name	= 'saintgunsmith',

		job_image   = '',  width = '26', height = '26',

		pos			= vector3(2716.8938, -1285.3364, 53.8603),

Any suggestions or questions ?

Please write them down below in the comments section.

Script informations

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Requirements No
Support Yes
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