Advanced Anti Combat Log System | Player Crash Messages 3D Text

Advanced Anti Combat Log System | Player Crash Messages 3D Text

Showcase :

Features :

  • When player quits or gets crashed, it will log the reason and show it.
  • Added option to show a marker when the text is very far away.
  • Player Name is fetched from QBCore, ESX or Steam Name (Configurable)
  • Timer Shows in minutes and hours
  • Floating Text, 3DText or Open Source Function to add your text
  • R* License, Steam ID and anything can be added as identifier (Configurable)

Buy :

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements None
Support Yes
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HOW TF THIS IS 500 LINES and 12$

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How is this different from this??

Why are you all trying to sell free stuff idk

Find me one which has time in the text

Quality of 500 text is more important. Let me guess you are not a developer.

I checked your profile, your topics, you are saving players health and armor in JSON. I don’t think you should be allowed to comment on other’s work lol

And that’s worth 12 bucks? lmao funny

12$ for 500 LINES of no needed BS is talking here…

Anyways my project is open-source, people can do isam /innoDB savings (SQL).

Time logic is 12$ worth?


I don’t really like giving doing this but this is simply my opinion, if you don’t like it simply don’t buy it.

In my personal opinion, i wouldn’t really charge any price for this due to the actual simplicity of the script, yes code quality matters, but either way simply don’t buy it if you don’t like it.



  • Fixed issue with text flickering
  • Added option to show a marker when the text is very far away.
CLConfig.CloseDist = 15.0
CLConfig.FarDist = 30.0


  • Removed debug print from server side.

How we can have the 3d text ?

CLConfig.Text = 1
-- 1 - 3DText
-- 2 - Floating -- avoid using this if you can.
-- 3 - Custom

config.lua ^

why saving in database or json when you can save it in the kvp?

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Because the script is a bit older and not up2date

Yes you can do Kvp saves and its recommended, I did kvp saves for personal hud setting saves.

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because its ease of use and kvp will not work if you have multicharacter system. it saves per player, not per character.

besides, this guy thinks there is a “innoDB” wrapper for fivem.

Update :

  • Added Translate option to config.