There must be in logged two players to experience it, one who performs and one as looking and controlling
and after, they two players switch roles.
The player who sits in the car does not experience anything abnormal and can drive away in the car, but for the player who stayed standing, the car is still in place, but with the driver ‘going fast up and down’ into the ground.
It looks like a ‘mounting problem’ in the spawned car, because as soon as the player leaves the car, everything is normal again.
We hope the people behind FiveM will give this problem a serious ‘check’, maybe something with an ‘update’ ? Because it may be a problem, not only for us as using Police, taxi or other car spawn releases.
A ‘funny thing’ about the police release we try to use…
At one of the police stations there spawns two types of police car (looks almost equal).
Type 1. You can go directly into the car and the problem begins…
Type 2. You must smach a window to get in, BUT here is no problems, the car works 100% okay ?? So we are a bit confusing, what happent right here ??
@Antoine: Very fine and you are more than welcome .
Thank you for your explanation (I have read it earlier ), even of I do not understand it 100%. But I can understand it has something to do with ‘an activation of the isNetwork’. I just have the problem that I do not have enough knowledge to experiment with this point. So maybe a bit of help here .
Generally, I wonder that nobody has had this problem before, people who use the police and taxi script, because the problem is so big that it makes these scripts more or less useless ?? .