A simple green time or emergency state alert system

/greentimeon [how much time ? for example 3 = 3mins ]
-Note : this command disables all the current ongoing green / red / orange timers
/redtimeon [how much time ? for example 3 = 3mins ]
/orangetimeon [how much time ? for example 3 = 3mins ]
This script allows police to announce a count down for a specific event in server wich are symoblised by green or red or orange depending on threat lvl as red means
Top emergency state
job name : ./server/server.lua line:08
How to install ? : just rename the file to greentime and add this “ensure greentime” into your server.cfg file
this is my first post in here thanks for reading :heart: if it goes well im planing to constently update this and make it into something better

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Do you have a preview?

here you go



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belehi ki naml /greentime on 10 il blaka matodrhoch fama solu ?

les9a b3adha kima hakka /greentimeon baad el w9t mt3k
example /greentimeon 5
– 5mins

ken still ma mchtlkch tao nawd nabthlk version okhra sure mnha tmchi

jarbtha akeka w chay

ab3teh mamchlich