5CRIME Atm Robbery

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Code is accessible Partial (Config and opensource files)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) approx 1000
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes

Great work! Can’t wait to see more!


Updates added after release:

  • Added a drill prop, particle effects, and animation

  • Added an exploit check, to prevent hackers and exploiters messing with the rope prop

  • Added a function in an open source file for:

    • Dispatch notification
    • All minigames ( you can add whatever u want now)
  • Re-Configured the script to run at 0.00ms

  • Separated all minigames, so you can fully customize them to your liking

  • Added a dependency in the README file that lets your character carry the atm in both hands if it’s in your inventory

  • A ton of bugs were fixed after release, thanks to our lovely customers reporting them

  • Updated the config with a lot of configurability (check picture above)

Amazing script. Currently working on a v2 for our server, and players will absolutely love this in-depth script. Also, Flight Development in general is a team of amazing developers that are quick to respond to support or any questions. 10/10 will throw money at them again.

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Updates added after release:

  • added support for different emote menus in the open source file
  • Added an open source server side file
  • Added the following functions to that file: Remove Item, Add Item, Add Money, Create useable items
  • Added to the client side open source file: Has Item Check function
  • Added the clear animation button in the config (if needed for a different menu)
  • Added a Discord log function after an atm is robbed
  • Added a Discord log function that logs how much money was earned from an atm robbery
  • Added a global cooldown for atm robberies in the config
  • Added a way to disable the zone that spawns when robbing an atm (if it is causing issues)
  • Added a way to export the target option on atms if needed

Added support for ESX and Standalone frameworks

Very well done resource - I’d prefer to be able to buy an open-source version, but the config has almost everything you’d ever want in terms of customization.

Not 100% drag and drop (you need to edit some basic stuff) but very easy to install if you know how to read and copy/paste.

Two things I’d recommend is to add an animation where your character carries the items in their hand if it’s in their inventory. I did this by adding the models to a resource that already does this (mad-houserobbery: https://mad-development.tebex.io/package/5553291), and it adds a nice additional element of difficulty, can’t run around, can’t get in cars while holding it, etc.

Second, adding % chance an alert will be sent to PD (for example if you fail breaking into the ATM, you can set the % chance PD will be called, atm it’s 100% chance).

Well worth the price!

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Hello, we are glad that you’ve enjoyed our resource and you are satisfied by its features! Your first recommendation is already in our README file, we have a guide with an image as to where u can edit it, and remove the ability of players to run around with an ATM in hand. Your second recommendation, we are more than glad to add that for you, as a lot of the features that are present in the resource are customer recommended, will be updating the script for you and posting it in our #Updates channel.