Zoov's Weapon Sling [QBCore] [OX or QB (Inventory)]


Zoovs Weapon Sling

This resource provides your server with an exclusive weapon sling that utilised Weapon Objects, meaning these weapons display their attachments such as Scopes, Silencers & Mags. It also includes weapon tints, liveries and any other component that you can connect via the config to any attachment resource.

This resource uses state bags to “network” the WeaponObject, without syncing issues. It also runs 0.0 in resmon at all times, since it uses FiveM’s statebag handles and no looping threads.

This resource will be receiving active updates across build-versions, we will also implement feature requests and make a tool available for easily adding new weapon positions. Hence the subscription.

This resource will display the tint of your weapon, or liveries and even attachments! As you can see below, based on the attachment resource you have you can connect it to our config to display weapon attachments.

:film_strip: Uses QBCore. Available for OX_Inventory or QB_Inventory :film_strip:

Click Here To Purchase!

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | Yes |
| Lines (approximately) | 800 |
| Requirements | QBCore + QB Inventory or OX Inventory |
| Support | Support via Discord |

This is the config for a Rifle, and how a rifle sits. You can toggle the client between options, or base it of f their police role so cops can have rifles on their vests etc.

    ['rifle'] = {
        ['switch'] = {
            coords = vector3(-0.1, 0.18, -0.20),
            rotation = vector3(70.0, -20.0, 180.0)
        ['police'] = {
            coords = vector3(0.1, 0.208, -0.03),
            rotation = vector3(190.0, 130.0, -30.0)
        ['default'] = {
            coords = vector3(0.075, -0.15, -0.02),
            rotation = vector3(182.0, 130.0, 0.0)

If anyone don’t wanna spend $60 for something I have made for free just install it here:


but urs is just for ox, not qb-inventory :sleepy:

So why use this weapon sling script compared to Scullys thats been the standard sling script for years?

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Bc ppl can use whoever they want :joy_cat: