hello guys can somone make a zombie infected servers i rlly wanna see a infected server on fiveM on gta sanandres SAMP you have a infected game mode and i rlly wanna see the game mode on fiveM that woudl be soo cool
So you want a PvP Zombie Gamemode? Like RottenV but no npc zombies?
That would be amazing.
yeah like a pvp game mode but with zombies and no npc like call of duty mw3 type of game mode
This maybe can be done with a heavily modified Team Deathmatch gamemode. Team names to make team 1 “Survivors” that can have weapons and team 2 “Zombies” will have be unarmed but each punch will make the survivor switch to zombie team.
Sadly, that nobody made a Team Deathmatch gamemode/script yet
exactly but yeah thats sad but maybe one day somone make that mode
i hope so
and maybe someone makes a cops & robbers TDM gamemode too
that would be fun to