As a player, you will enjoy a seamless and user-friendly UI.

  • Includes zat-ui script.
  • 10 pre-configured Restaurants.
  • More than 100 food and ingredient items and props.
  • You can Rent the restaurant and manage the items prices and memebrs.
  • You have a clear overview of your restaurant incomes.
  • Works with interact and target.
  • Works with qb, ox and qs inventories (you can add any other inventories).
  • As a dev you can :
    • Add as many restaurants as you want (even in other MLOs).
    • Enable/Disable the shutter.
    • Set the restaurant as retable or not.
    • Change the renting price and periode.
    • Change all Menu, chopping, preapring food coords.
    • Add as many foods as you want.
    • Add new foods with different props and different animations.
    • Change cooking animations to any food.
    • Add any ingredients you want to any food.
    • ++ Much more options.

If you’re selling your resource, please include the following information at the end of your post:

Code is accessible 80%
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 10k+
Requirements qb-core/es_extended
Support Yes

Config.lua :

Config = {}

Config.Framework        = "qb" -- "esx"
Config.Inventory        = "qb" -- "ps", "qb", "ox", "qs"
Config.QBInventory      = "old" -- new
Config.Img              = 'qb-inventory/html/images/'
Config.Target           = "qb" -- ox !!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT
Config.FrameworkPseudo  = 'qb-core'

Config.UseInteract      = true
Config.Administration = {
    coords = vector3(-508.32, -731.17, 33.52)

Config.OrdersMenuButton = 47 -- G -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/

Config.CompanyTaxes  = 0.45     -- company will get 55% from the incomes (45% taxes) (set it to 0 if you want to disable it)
Config.EmployeeIncomes = 0.25   -- Employee will get 25% from the Item Price he prepared (set it to 0 if you want to disable it)

Config.useSNRBunsMap = true
Config.Dui = {
    enabled      = true, -- Set TO FALSE IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO USE BANNERS
    coords       = vector3(-513.6, -710.71, 33.67),
    currentImage = 'https://i.ibb.co/rdH8Q9D/banner01.png',
    origTxd      = '3dp_snrbuns_shops_editable_txd',
    origTxn      = 'banner'

Config.ChopGives = 3 -- choppable items will give 3 chopped items
Config.ReadyOrdersStash = {
    slots = 50,
    weight = 4000000,

Config.Soda = { -- Add missing soda machines for missing restaurants
        coords = vector4(-516.56, -721.8, 33.67, 215.41),
        model = 'prop_food_bs_soda_01',
        coords = vector4(-527.19, -691.92, 33.57, 275.59),
        model = 'prop_food_bs_soda_01',

Config.Booths = { -- Every restaurant has it is own data in  [restaurants]
    [1]     = GetSmoothieData(Config.Img),
    [2]     = GetBurgerData(Config.Img),
    [3]     = GetSandwichData(Config.Img),
    [4]     = GetTacosData(Config.Img),
    [5]     = GetPizzaData(Config.Img),
    [6]     = GetSushiData(Config.Img),
    [7]     = GetCoffeeData(Config.Img),
    [8]     = GetNoodleData(Config.Img),
    [9]     = GetKebabData(Config.Img),
    [10]    = GetHotDogData(Config.Img),
    --[11]    = GetGabzBurgerData(Config.Img),

QBCore :


Showcase : https://youtu.be/lsYMniM79qk


Is this UI in the video is included?

1 Like

What’s the MLO for this script?

1 Like

Looks cool!

so what’s the different between this zat-snrbuns

SNR Buns is just the SNR Buns job. This is a COMPLETELY different thing.

This is the system for player owned / rentable food booths where you set prices, create food etc with ingredients you require.

Watch the video.

yes everything is included.

it is not our MLO.

so this doesnt come with the mlo?

Does it works with qbox?

1 Like

yes it does.