• As a player, you will enjoy a seamless and user-friendly UI.
  • As a dev you can configure the following settings :
    • The Framework.
    • The Target/Interact useage.
    • The minimum cops required.
    • The dispatch.
    • The rewards and their chances.
    • The item names.
    • The USB Storage.
    • Add more PCs coords.
    • The Hack Minigame time.
    • The Time Between the NPCs.
    • The ATM Props to use.
    • The NPC Names.
      ++ More.

Code is accessible 80%
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5k+
Requirements qb-core / es_extended
Support Yes
  • Config.lua :
Config = {}

Config.Framework        = "qb" -- "esx"
Config.Inventory        = "qb" -- "qb", "ox", "qs"
Config.QBInventory      = "old" -- new
Config.Target           = "qb" -- ox
Config.FrameworkPseudo  = 'qb-core'
Config.UseInteract      = true 
Config.MiniumCops       = 0

Config.Alert = {
    dispatch = 'qb-core',
    chance   = 20 -- 20% to alert police on minigame fail...

Config.Items = {
    reader           = 'atmcardreader',
    tablet           = 'datatablet',
    usb              = 'atmusb',

Config.MaxUsbStorage     = 5        -- max usb storage
Config.Radius            = 100.0    -- radius to lose connection with the atm
Config.PCs = {
    vector3(1272.05, -1711.09, 54.59), -- you can add more locations

Config.HackTime   = 10 -- 60 s
Config.HackReward = {
    min = 1200,
    max = 2500,

Config.TimeBetweenNPCs = {
    min = 30 , -- 120s
    max = 45, -- 240s

Config.ATMs = {

Config.Minigame = {
    time = 25, --25 seconds
    max  = 5, --5 pairs

Config.Names = {
    'Ramon Tam',
    'Marcello Pemberton',
    'Kayli Bronson',
    'Malika Branson',
    'Jacquez Craig',
    'Kory Moreno',
    'Braulio Covey',
    'Mira Busby',
    'Kobi White',
    'Kori Stump',
    'Christian Billings',
    'Kaeli Blackwell',
    'Donavon Cecil',
    'Christopher Dunn',
    'Dominique Kaiser',
    'Riya Ladd',
    'Donavan Perdue',
    'Reagan Kasper',
    'Kellie Conway',
    'Genaro Brockman',
    'Stella Bueno',
    'Braxton Jasso',
    'Emerald Rau',
    'Daisha Piazza',
    'Stephanie Nguyen',
    'Savannah Sanchez',
    'Maia Venegas',
    'Abdul Lavoie',
    'Ralph Rich',
    'Demi Lantz',
    'Brandt Pimentel',
    'Jasmyn Walters',
    'Brennon Harding',
    'Coby Clarkson',
    'Raina Aleman',
    'Chyna Webb',
    'Omar Bronson',
    'Yvette Barker',
    'Truman Sewell',
    'Tobias Haggerty',
    'Daren Burkett',
    'Janeth Bohannon',
    'Jeffrey Rodriquez',
    'Annamarie Perkins',
    'Derrick Stanley',
    'Ian Hutcheson',
    'Amia Shah',
    'Keshon Sells',
    'Pedro Greco',
    'Luke Leigh',
    'Ross Klein',
    'Eliza Donnelly',
    'Domenic Stallings',
    'Miah Pauley',
    'Anderson Robinson',
    'Juliette Hamblin',
    'Bernard Dozier',
    'Lyle Coe',
    'Harlee Caputo',
    'Sheldon Baez',
    'Carlo Quezada',
    'Sequoia Anguiano',
    'Nayely Franco',
    'Jean Pittman',
    'Edith Reddy',
    'Marianna Huerta',
    'Clarissa Casillas',
    'Lizette Hager',
    'Ethan Lawless',
    'Vance Velasquez',
    'Kaitlyn Marvin',
    'Nicolas Reis',
    'Aniyah Ricci',
    'Ali Ogle',
    'Ayesha Leary',
    'Mohammad Fiore',
    'Alena Eggleston',
    'Guy Leary',
    'Keri Stout',
    'Rita Andrew',
    'Ken Elder',
    'Genesis Garvey',
    'Darlene Will',
    'Kyara Murray',
    'Brayan Cao',
    'Dawn Shirley',
    'Darian Tinsley',
    'Alecia Qualls',
    'Khalid Robison',
    'Noel Tully',