In addition to this, the script uses the YouTube API to fetch playlist and video details - so a Google account is required to create a free API key. This is a simple task and instructions are in the sv_config.lua
Can this be edited so that only custom radio stations show? I’d like the ability to remove all base game radio station music due to copyright reasons to make it streamer and server friendly to comply with Rockstar TOS. (Without the need to edit all existing stations as there are several)
As this script modifies the existing GTA radio wheel, it would only be possible by overwriting all of the existing ones to remove all base game music. However, you can overwrite them with blank stations (effectively turning them off). This doesn’t remove the option from the radio wheel, just makes it an empty station.
To do this, I uploaded a silent video to YouTube and added the station to the config like so:
which resulted in a muted station. All of the stations are listed in the config and would be easy to do this for all unused.
If you would rather a toggle to do this in the script, I can push an update with such feature to do this without the silent video workaround. Due to the way the client-side GTA radio works, I don’t believe it would be possible to change the number of stations on the wheel, but I am open to hearing suggestions.
TLDR: If you are willing to have blank stations on the wheel, than yes. Otherwise, no.
Seemingly there is a native that could emulate this script side. For example in GTA Online players have the ability to favorite and unfavorite radio stations via the interaction menu. This then makes it so that only favorite radio stations appear in the radial menu interface. I’m not certain it would work but would really like to have only 8 edited/custom stations for example showing as that would be plenty and it would be more visually pleasing as well as user friendly.
Here is an old video showcasing a player achieving their desired preference in game.
Oh perfect, thank you @ZumieFiasco and @HorsePin . Somehow with all the radio natives I used, I didn’t know this one existed! (or that it was even a feature in GTA haha)
I just implemented this feature and it’s now updated with version 1.3 on the Keymaster . I’m always open to hearing suggestions and improvements, so I thank you both again for the feedback.
New sections of config.lua:
Config.DisabledStations = { -- List of GTA stations to remove from the radio wheel
-- "RADIO_21_DLC_XM17",
Sure thing man. Do you have a preview server where this script can be tested/tried out? I’m very hesitant to buy it currently with it being escrow. I’ve learned anything not open source is very risky to invest in as an owner since you’re at the mercy of the creator to update if things go wrong or they need updated. I’d be willing to be pay double for open source if you made it an option. That’d be greatly appreciated.
I do have it running on a small server that my friends and I play on. I don’t think I’m allowed to mention servers on the forums as per the advertising rule, so I’ll send you a DM with the name if you’d like to join and test it out.
I understand your concerns about purchasing non-open source scripts. I’m a bit hesitant to sell the open source, as I’ve seen how quickly they can circulate online but I may be open to the idea. I’ll send you my discord in DMs as well.
As I use it on my own server with friends, it’s constantly being used and tested by us, so if there’s any issues I’m quick to look into them. As well as I’m always interested in adding features on request.