[YMAP] Rocking Chair & Campfire for Valentine

Transform the town of Valentine into a cozy
, inviting spot with our Rocking Chair & Campfire YMAP for RedM!
This custom map adds charming rocking chairs and warm campfires around Valentine,
creating perfect gathering places for roleplay and relaxation.
Whether you’re telling stories by the fire, enjoying the peaceful scenery,
or meeting up with friends, this YMAP brings a touch of homeliness to the wild west.


| Assets are accessible | n |
| Subscription-based | No |
| MLO | No |
| YMAP | 1 |
| Number of rooms | 0 |
| Number of entities | 0 |
| Requirements & dependencies | N/A |
| Support | Yes |

Why should we pay for a free prop? 2 rocking chairs and a campfire as YMAP…really?


This is for people who don’t have time to work on their situation or don’t know how.

Really not so cool to try to earn money with props other people created for free…especially 10$ for a ymap consisting of 3 props… :thinking:


For example, how much does a reasonable price appear to you?

For free and give credit to the person that created the swing props. :slightly_smiling_face: (And ask first if you are allowd to use these in a ymap that you want to sell obviously)


I posted the prop for free, I think it’s right not to charge any amount ^^


ok Ymap free

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