YMAP, Memory use and best practice?

Hi all,

I would like to know some information on aspects to keep in mind when using YMAPs for example.

I have a long time experiance (15+ years) in programming and modding and do not need (direct) instructions/directions on how to mod/make or utilize YMAPS in FiveM :slight_smile:

But rather would like to know the ‘best practice method’ and IF ymap is the best practice for FiveM to use to place custom objects etc. Or that it for example would be
better to write (or use if a decent one exists already) a object streamer (which takes care of cleaning up and such also of course).

Lets make an “hypothetical example”:
*Let’s say that i want to add a stripper pole to my online mp-house bedroom, some dishes on the counter top, a clock etc… *

IF i would do this with a ymap, would the game itself then take care of ‘cleanup’ (as in when i’m not near it anymore etc’, or would those objects ‘keep using system resources’?

I’m asking since this differs from game to game and from engine to engine :slight_smile: In GTA IV I’ve never used Ymaps at all and always used my own object streamer.

In SA-MP (the “classic san andreas”) I had made an object streamer to make custom buildings which took care of proper disposal (which needed to be done manually by that streamer to prevent memory issues).

In Games like fallout i know the engine takes care of it, itself AS LONG as you don’t f*ck up to much and ‘over do it’ with lighting items, portals etc.

So my most important question here is: Does FiveM/GTA V handle proper resource management on YMAPS?

And then further more, are the aspects i need to take into account when using ymaps?
like limitations and such?

I know YMAP has ‘limitations’ as not being able to spawn peds and vehicles for example, but what are other limitations and aspects which i should also consider when using YMAP.

And IF there is a better, more efficient method than YMAP please don’t hesitate to elaborate or give pointers either :slight_smile:


Replying to this to tag @Smallo. He’s done a lot of map work.

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EDIT: Okay don’t know what went wrong when quoting you haha but this reply was aimed at you @d0p3t :rofl:

Ahh great, thanks for pointing me (well him haha) to someone with more experiance on this topic on a rather more advanced level :slight_smile:

(Will give more useful insights than just some possible replys like "You’re fine using YMAP, i use xx number of them and my server is just fine haha) :slight_smile:

Appreciated man :+1: :slight_smile:

Ymaps are the native system Rockstar use to stream everything. It certainly does do cleanup when needed as long as your are using correct flags, calculating extents correctly and are using good models/textures.

Let’s say that i want to add a stripper pole to my online mp-house bedroom, some dishes on the counter top, a clock etc…
IF i would do this with a ymap, would the game itself then take care of ‘cleanup’ (as in when i’m not near it anymore etc’, or would those objects ‘keep using system resources’?

This isn’t a best example as interior mapping is actually done through another file called a ytyp.

I know YMAP has ‘limitations’ as not being able to spawn peds and vehicles for example

Ymaps are actually capable of spawning parked vehicles through whats called a CarGen.

The best tool to use is called Codewalker, it is similar to the old MEd tool, you can create ymaps in the program, save them and stream them to FiveM. Just make sure you are calculating extents and stuff to prevent any overload. Codewalker discord has some good tutorials and a lot more information, I can’t get into too much detail right now I was about to head out :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wonderful! learned a “new thing” to reasearch on! haha thanks.

GREAT NEWS! haha i knew about the VehicleGenerator but this makes it even better thanks :slight_smile:

And more importantly:

This was what i was hoping for to hear/read :smiley: thank you very much! :smile:

Much appreciated, then i now know I will be useful to go along with it to use and that i’m not ‘wasting time’ on a subject which later on will turn out ‘not the smartest method to use’ haha.

No worries on the flags and extends, will do my job on investigating into those :slight_smile:

Thank you once more, much appreciated

@Smallo BTW, i just realized that this also ‘solves the problem’ of another issue/post i’ve had open:

So if YOU could paste a link to your explanation about the cars that CAN be used in ymap there in that post, then it will A: also be useful for others when they read it, and B: i can check the solution box on you since it’s your solution :slight_smile:

Yet again thanks for your help mate :slight_smile: :+1: