YMAP doesnt work (kinda)

So, I’m trying to move a dunkin donuts ymap to sandy, which I did. I moved the vanilla objects down so I could place the dunkin there, but for some reason they stay at the surface. When I reload the project in codewalker, the vanilla objects are at the surface again but at lower detail & I can’t select em. OR it just shows the objects being removed. Not ingame tho.

Here are the files:
stream.zip (22.5 MB)
(location is at the yellow gas station in sandy)

I made sure to set all the calculations and stuff, and enable DLCs but it still doesn’t work.

You obviously didnt move enough stuff, and dont forget to zoom out to remove the lod version

To be honest, why not put it here? Would solve a lot of problems with conflicting ybns and ymaps etc and you would still have the servo

Regardless, its your choice, just providing other options

Keep pushing that stuff under :slight_smile:

The version I did, not everything moved, just the main building

rixxles_project_map.zip (22.5 MB)

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Oh, I didn’t know I had to remove the LOD version. The reason I didn’t put it anywhere else is because most of the other places had elevated ground which makes the building float a bit. Thanks!

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I tried moving the dunkin to the place you recommended, but when I join ingame it’s not there at all. Once again, DLCs are enabled, and I calculated extents and flags for it.

In codewalker:

In game:

I’m really confused.

When I tried making a new project, and loading each ymap file back into codewalker, the dunkin isn’t there, but when I load it using the project file, it is? The directory of the dunkin ymaps is correct, so idk why this is happening.

stream.zip (53.9 KB)

(I’ll try redoing it and let you know how it goes.)

I forgot to add the ydrs and stuff. I fixed it.


hey, just a bit of info, where you have placed the front door is where the game spawns peds so you will end up with a problem with a ped, if you move it back a bit, the ped will spawn outside having a smoke.
Unless of course you edited the scenario file