YMAP - Cleaned Abandoned Motel Parking Lot [Update 1 - Removed buses and containers]

Simple little thing I did in like 5 minutes, it has helped my server a bunch so I thought I would share.

  1. Bus and crates will be gone in another update.
  2. As ALWAYS, PM me if help is needed. I am always happy to provide assistance!


UPDATE 1: Removed Containers and buses from the parking lot thanks to @OfficialNovaRoleplay and his help.


Yep Np

I see them right there, This was click bait I’m telling youtube to demonetize!

Lol, I just didnt put a new picture on the topic.

The abandoned motel is one of the maps that i will work, i’m just searching the right ispiration, and a lot of time to clean all the dust in the building, nice job :+1: